Subject: ONE combo exercise that hits your biceps, triceps AND delts...

This is a great time-efficient combination
movement that will work your biceps, triceps
and shoulders all in one shot...

...not all on in one movement, mind you, but all in one exercise!

I'll tell you right up front, this is NOT a mass-builder. That's not
what this exercise is targetd for.

It IS, however, a great way to target and work all the "small"
muscles of the upper body in one quick exercise.

Start with a light set of dumbbells the first time you try this one,
to get the pattern in your mind. Then you can increase the
weight. The amount of weight you can use will depend on the
strength of your WEAKEST exercise of the three that you'll be
rotating between here.

First, do a standing dumbbell curl (palms forward).

Next, you're going to go straight into an Arnold Press...which
is essentially moving from the top of the dumbbell curl,
bringing the dumbbells around to the top of the shoulder press.

From here, you'll rotate the dumbbells into a neutral grip then
bring the dumbells down into an overhead dumbbell extension.

Next, you'll repeat the sequence backwards. Come out of
the top of the extension then do the lowering phase of the
Arnold Press.

Then down to the bottom of the curl.

And repeat!

As you can see, this covers biceps, triceps and shoulders all in
one shot. It's a great time-saving exercise when you're in a hurry,
or used as a finisher for your upper body.

If you want to see it in action, I've also got
this exercise posted on my YouTube channel here.

(Side note, if you'd like to subscribe to my channel and never
miss one of these insane exercises, you can do so just by
clicking the button below! You'll just need to confirm once the
page pops up)

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I have a TON of training videos on there...and you'll NEVER miss a
new one when I put them out!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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