Subject: Not building muscle? Eat LESS...(yep, and here's why)

And yeah, this might sound like I'm totally nuts...even more
so than usual...

But if you've ever hit a plateau with muscle building (who hasn't!),
this could be just the information you need to blast through it.

You're going to learn why you actually NEED to go on a low-
calorie diet if you want to build muscle fast! Sounds crazy, but
have a read through and see what you think.


Why You Need to Do a LOW-Calorie Diet If You
Want to Build Maximum Muscle

By Nick Nilsson

This is going to sound strange but when you're trying to build
muscle, I HIGHLY recommend doing a strategic low-calorie
diet on a regular basis.

Why low-calorie dieting for MUSCLE?

There are several reasons...


1. Appetite

First, I've found that eating large amounts of food for long
stretches of time tends to diminish your enthusiasm for eating
large amounts of food for long stretches of time.

When your appetite drops, you're not going to be able to
eat as much without forcing yourself to, and therefore, your
overall calorie intake can potentially be diminished.

I can tell you from experience, if you eat a LOT all the time, you
do get tired of eating. This is a way to fix it and hit the "reset"
button on your appetite, which is going to pay off when you
go back to eating more again.

2. Digestive System Overload

The digestive system can be overworked if you demand too
much of it with no break. By constantly hammering the
digestive tract with piles of food, you're basically grinding
down it's capacity to digest and absorb nutrients by degrading
your digestive enzyme capacity.

This is an even BIGGER issue as you get older and your
natural production of digestive enzymes diminishes.

So even if you're eating a lot of food, you may not even be
getting the nutrition you THOUGHT you were out of it!

3. Rebound Weight Gain

Strategic periods of low-calorie eating sets up a rebound effect
when you go back to higher-calorie eating. Basically, by taking
a few days easy and not eating much, you're going to be
creating momentum for when you go back to eating more again.

Think of the yo-yo diet thing, only with exercise. A short diet
will give you the benefits of rebound weight gain without the
detrimental effects of long-term low-calories eating and muscle

4. Insulin Sensitivity

By managing insulin levels (via low-glycemic or low-carb
dieting), you can help help improve insulin sensitivity.

Insulin is a powerful anabolic fact, it's CRITICAL
for building muscle because it signals the muscle cells to take
in nutrients and unlocks the cellular "doors" to let nutrients in
(like a bouncer at a bar).

Here's the thing...if insulin levels are too high for too long,
your body develops resistance to insulin, which is a potential
problem with long-term heavy eating of carbs, typical of a
weight-gain diet.

By backing off on food and carbs for a few days, you give
your body a chance to restore some degree of that insulin

5. Keeping Bodyfat in Check While Building Muscle

One of the biggest problems people encounter with weight
gain diets is gaining weight. I'll be more specific...gaining

Few people train hard to get fatter (nobody I know!).

This type of staggered-calorie eating is an excellent way to
keep bodyfat from climbing too high on a muscle-building,
higher-calorie diet.

It gives you the majority of your days in a surplus-calorie
state with just a few days in a negative-calorie state. Those
negative calorie days can have a big impact on minimizing
fat gain.

I can't say you won't gain ANY fat...that'll depend on other
factors. But it's going to give you a much better shot at
keeping bodyfat from climbing too high.


How to Do It

I'll give you an example from myself, from my Mad Scientist

In that program, I include weekend dieting...2 days of low-
carb eating in this case. So basically, it's 5 days of high-calorie
eating then 2 days of low-calorie eating.

I don't do any training on the low-calorie days, which
minimizes any chance of muscle breakdown. As I mentioned,
it's low-carb so insulin levels are basically zero.

This sets up a nice rebound effect both from insulin and
from increase calorie load the following week (if you don't
want to do low-carb, you don't have to...low-calorie eating
in general will give you great benefits as well).

I've noticed a SIGNIFICANT difference in how well this
strategy works, as compared to straight-through higher-
calorie eating. I actually find I build muscle and gain weight
EASIER when I do two days of low-calorie eating every
week because of this rebound effect.

Plus, I keep bodyfat levels lower, which is great. To give
you an idea, when I was testing this program, in 5 months,
I went from 188 lbs in bodyweight to 217 lbs in bodyweight.

I wan'ts shredded by any stretch, but I could still see a decent
six-pack...which is not bad for having gained almost 30 pounds
of bodyweight in 5 months!

It's definitely something I would recommend you give a
try, especially if you're keen on increasing muscle mass
while keeping bodyfat in check.

The base nutritional strategy of Mad Scientist Muscle is all
about cycling of calories. It really provides a nice alternative
to constant high-calorie loads on the body while actually
delivering even BETTER results than you could achieve
with high-calories alone.

You can read more about Mad Scientist Muscle here...

If you decide to pick up and try the program, definitely keep
me posted on how you do with it! Nothing I like better than
hear the results people get with my programs!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

P.S. If you're interested in more detailed information about this
type of eating strategy and learning how you can use specific
training methods to literally CHANGE your body's physiology to
better support muscle growth, you can grab a FREE copy of my
report "2 Simple Rules to DOUBLE Your Muscle-Building Results"

Plain text links from this email:


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