Subject: No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting for Fat Loss...KILLER technique

Nick Nilsson


Hey, I’ve got another new sample from my Powerful Training
Secrets site for you!

No-Rest Lactic Acid Superset - Decline Bench and Bent-Over Rows
Posted May 17th, 2010

For fat loss, there isn't much better than Lactic Acid Training.
This style of training optimizes hormone release (especially
under very specific dietary conditions). This is an antagonistic
exercise pairing that allows you to crank out even MORE reps and
MORE lactic acid to maximize the fat-burning effects.

Check it out here:

Be sure to post your comments, ideas and experiences on the
page...I've got a comments section at the bottom. And here's the
link to the full "sample" area (got 62 pages of stuff there



P.S. On a side note, I'm in the process of prepping a BIG update
to my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program. It'll be
ready June 8th!

Here's the thing...because of all the new program options and 300+ videos
I'm adding to the program, the price WILL be going up to $47 from
the current $29.95. If you grab a copy now, you'll get the update
at NO extra charge.

Read more and get it here:

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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