Subject: "No Hands" Bench Press...great chest-activation technique

Next time you bench press, try this technique...pretend you don't have hands.

I know it sounds very weird (I'll elaborate). I find it actually really helps with strength and muscle activation in the bench press.

Basically (and no insult to amputees intended), imagine as though you just have two stumps instead of hands.

Your hands still do grip onto the bar (not superhard...just enough to maintain control), but try to imagine the support of the bar happening at your wrists rather than in your hands so that when you push, the push originates "deeper" in the body (that's the best way I can describe it).

I find when you grip really hard with your hands, the loading happens more in the arms (triceps) and shoulders because of that tension in the hands.

The concept is somewhat similar to the purpose of using a "suicide grip", which is a thumbless grip on the bar. I don't recommend that...this is a much better way to get the same effect.

It's not something you can really see from pictures or video...the technique is completely mental in terms of how you need to use it.

When I did this "no hands" visualization, it felt like the action originated in the chest more felt stronger and the bar moved better with the same weight.

Next time you bench press, give this a can do it with barbells and with dumbbells (or machines).

Watch the full video of this technique here.


I Poured a Protein Drink into a Zero Water Pitcher to Test It...

This is the pitcher you see advertised on TV that talks about how it filters out 100% of dissolved solids.

Did it work?

Here's what happened...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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