Subject: New free update for "Mad Scientist Muscle" for you...

First off, I want to thank you for previously buying my Mad Scientist Muscle program!

I've actually just finished putting together a big update on the program that is basically a total "rebranding" of the book and how it works.

The program is now called "Two Block Mass" and you can download a copy of it here. This is a FREE download for you as a past charge at all.

What I've done is blow up the Mad Scientist Muscle program and put it back together with what I think is a more intuitive and customizeable approach to the concept of Accumulation and Intensification.

Most of the information is the same, which is why I wanted to give it to you for free as an update.

Here's what's different...


1. Customization

Instead of having 3 set versions of the program (and a "Frankenstein" version for advanced trainers), I've given you more of a "choose your own adventure" style of training.

You'll have 4 blocks of Accumulation Training to choose from that you can pair with any of the 4 blocks of Intensification Training.

Which blocks you put together is up to you and what you feel will give you the best results or be the most fun. Just do a 3-week Accumulation Block first, then follow it with a 3-week Intensification Block. That's it.


2. No Structural Training

Since the release of my Metamorphosis program a few months ago, I've decided to take out the "Structural Training" weeks completely.

The Metamorphosis program is basically a full 3-month version of what the Structural Training weeks were.

After much research, I came to the conclusion that while those weeks of training were beneficial to some degree, the body really needs more time with those training modalities to really make significant changes to the give you an idea, instead of one day of each of those training methods, you're doing 3 weeks.

It's brutal and challenging but it WORKS.

Two Block Mass can be done immediately after Metamorphosis to take advantage of those upgrades to your physiology...or you can do it now (and you'll still see great results).

Metamorphosis is not available to the general public yet... you can learn more and grab a copy here, if you missed out when I originally released it back in April on limited run.


3. One Week Mass Program

I've also taken the Accumulation and Intensification concept and compressed it into a single week program that I call One Week Mass, which you can then repeat as many times as you like.

It's a great way to test-drive the different blocks of training to see what works best for you or use as a standalone program by itself.

I've used it with great'll do two days of Accumulation then two days of Intensification in the course of a week (also known as Microperiodization).


Bottom Line:

Again, the overall concepts in this new version of the program are basically the same as the original Mad Scientist Muscle it's just easier to use!

Download your free copy here.

Enjoy and I'd love to hear what you think of the new, upgraded program!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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