Subject: New "Bicep Crusher" conditioning circuit for you to try...

Everybody wants bigger biceps...this we know.

However, in terms of strength, your biceps can very easily become a weak link in many bigger exercises if you don't work on them directly.

This five-exercise circuit is going to cover BOTH of those things (bigger biceps and better bicep strength).

And, this might surprise you, but there is NOT ONE CURL EXERCISE in the whole thing.

As well, because it's a Metabolic Monster circuit, it's going to also work every OTHER major muscle group in your body at the same time, giving you excellent fat-loss and conditioning training as well.

How To Do It:

The first exercise is a bicep-focused chin-up. If you're not strong enough to do chins, use a pulldown with your torso vertical instead (with an underhand grip). Aim for at least 6-8 reps.

To do chins for biceps, you want to keep your body vertical and pull yourself up as close to your face as possible. Focus on a hard contraction of the biceps at the top.

Your second exercise is the "transition" exercise that you're going to do between all the other exercises. This is the Supinated Dumbbell Farmers Walk.

Select a pair of dumbbells a bit heavier than what you could curl (you're not curling them, only holding them).

You're going to hold them at your sides with your palms facing forward. Then you'll do a Farmers Walk carry for about 40 feet or so (distance will vary depending on your gym...I went up and down my basement twice each time).

As I mentioned, you'll be doing this carry BETWEEN EVERY EXERCISE of the circuit.

Your next exercise is the Barbell Curl Squat.

Again, for this exercise, use a weight that is heavier than what you'd normally use for curls. I've got 135 lbs on the bar. Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar.

You're going to cheat curl the weight up to the top position then do a Curl Squat.

Remember, this is NOT a strict curl for biceps...the goal here is to just get the weight to the top position, not to get tension on the biceps on the way up. Once you have it at the top, hold it there then squat.

This exercise puts a constant peak contraction on the biceps for the duration of the exercise (especially after the first 2 exercises you've done), decent loading on the legs, and MASSIVE loading on the core.

Here's a front view of the exercise.

Aim for 3-5 reps on this exercise.

Set the bar down. Then do another Supinated Farmers Walk carry. Then go to your next exercise...

Dumbbell Floor Flyes

Use a moderate weight for this exercise (I'm using 50 lb dumbbells)...something you could normally get 10-12 reps with.

Though this exercise doesn't SEEM like it should work the biceps, it does (isometrically)...and there is an additional tweak we're going to add in to increase that a bit more.

At the bottom of the flye, rest your upper arms on the floor. Then "uncurl" (i.e. extend/straighten your elbows) a little bit, lowering the dumbbells down a few inches. "Recurl" the dumbbells a little then come up on the flye. This small movement is much easier to see in the video.

You can also do the flyes on a bench, if you like, though obviously you won't be resting your upper arms on anything. It won't greatly change the overall effect of the entire circuit.

Perform 6-8 reps of this (or so) then do another Supinated Farmers Walk.

Your next exercise is the Supinated Stiff-Legged Deadlift.

As with the Farmers Walk, take a supinated grip on the bar. You can use the same bar you set up for Curl Squats.

Then perform a Stiff-Legged Deadlift.

Here's a front view.

Aim for 5-7 reps of this exercise.

Then finish with one final Supinated Farmers Walk. On this final walk, go until your grip gives out (which probably won't take long at this point).

Take 3 minutes rest then you can go again.

I recommend performing 3-5 total rounds of this circuit for a complete total-body, bicep-blasting workout....all without a single curl!

You can watch the full video of this entire circuit on my YouTube channel here.


Want More Circuit Workouts Like This?

Check out the full Metabolic Monsters book here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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