Subject: New 3 on 1 Muscle Coaching is OPEN (very limited)

A special note about the coaching program that Dr. Kareem
and I put together for you, from Dr. Kareem:


Simply unbelievable -- I'm decidedly motivated for you...
no, we are.

The fact of the matter is that you've gone too far -- you've inspired
us, and now we don't have a choice. Master Trainer Tim, Nick and
I have been digging through each of your comments, taking time
to think of each of you, really get to know you and your personal
situation, and figure out if we're a good fit.

With literally hundreds of people who are fully committed to
getting building lean muscle on their bodies in the next 24 weeks,
you'd think we'd be excited... but a feeling of mourning drooped
over on us -- as Tim, Nick and I read through your comments,
thought about how to help you conquer your goals, and how to
overcome your health challenges once and for all, we realized
it's just not feasible to award as many people as we'd like.

The fact of the matter is that most everyone WILL fail. This
sucks to admit, and I hate to be a pessimist, but without one
factor, in particular, the chances of success go way down. In fact,
with all the clients that we have trained, collectively (several
hundred in-person and thousands more online,) we've learned
one thing, above all else, matters more than the rest --

But this doesn't change the fact that you haven't hit your goals...
and the fact that you probably won't. I've had 3 major
transformations to date:

- Freshman year in high school - fat kid to top swimmer in my class
- Grad school - fat kid in a lot of pain to elite trainer
- DEFL DVD's - elite trainer to fitness model shape

When I was a freshman in high school, I joined the swim team,
and I had a bunch of upperclassmen to look up to... eventually,
I had to become a 'senior' and hold the school records, or I'd be
failing people in my brother's year -- 3 short years in front of me.

When I got to grad school, I made a deal with the UM faculty
after being advised to quit Physical Therapy school from having
an 'unstable' body -- this advice was given by a family friend,
who was one of the leading physicians in our area. The University
of Miami faculty helped me figure out what to do, and they made
me promise to work through these injuries, while they held me
accountable every day.

With the DEFL DVD's, I had to take the message I was most
passionate about and spread it as far and wide as I could reach.
I hired over $30,000 of staff, equipment, etc., and poured my
heart into this one opportunity to build a business while changing
lives. I was accountable.

So, what are 'you' missing? Why haven't you been successful already?

So that's the question that plagued Master Trainer Tim (personally
certified by me, in my most rigorous exam in Personal Training --
arguably the most difficult in the entire industry) -- for the last
several days, we sat down and ran through everything I've ever
taught online, compared it to anything we've ever done at Global
Fitness LLC together, and figured out how to bring 100% of the
most important aspects of both in one-unified, online personal
training program.

So we brought the same question to Master Trainer Nick, and we
asked what was stopping people from building muscle as fast as
they could. We had multiple lengthy discussions on this, thought
of all the program design enhancement aspects, and ultimately
landed on one thing, in particular: customization.

When we hold you accountable, and we customize our
recommendations to your specific needs, body, and reality -- well,
it's pretty much impossible to fail.

Screw that -- we won't let you fail. We're tired of failure too. The
fact of the matter is that 'your' body, in specific, has no reason for
failing. There is nothing you 'can't' conquer, and there's no such
thing as a body you 'can't' have. That's bull, and it's important we
set the record straight.

Could you have done some permanent damage to your body at
this point? Sure, but does that really matter? You know you're
capable of being 3-5x healthier than you are right now, and
you've openly admitted this in the comments section.

Enter 3-on-1 Dr. Kareem Coaching (extremely limited
availability) -- Imagine hitting every goal, and then
talking about your next.

For the last 18 months, Master Trainer Tim and I have been
directly training clients together, with programs that I develop
and oversee, and he carries out and tweaks for individual client
differences in an amazing way. Now, we're doing it online, and
we're 100% guaranteeing the success of our clients. With
complete transparency, everyone we've worked with in this way
hits their goals. It's not to say we can't fail you.... it's just to say
we haven't yet, and we have every intention of seeing you through
your goals. That's what coaching is all about.

As for Master Trainer Nick, I've been quietly admiring him as the
#1 muscle coach on the internet for the 3 years I've been working
with him -- secretly, I've been pulling him into our business and
convincing him to work with you, our VIP client. Nick has a
proven track record for success, but I knew if I shared everything
I knew with him about:

  • Getting the best results for the online client (cueing, instruction, modification of program design)
  • Customizing muscle recommendations for the balanced body
  • Advanced Plyometric training, both for the athlete and non-athlete
  • Joint stability and safety with each workout
  • Muscle recruitment strategies (neuro and musculoskeletal)
  • Body Systems Prioritization

End-game Program Design (how to guarantee the best selection
of recommendation for every single part of designing a program)
...these skills undoubtedly would catapult Nick's clients into getting
better results.

In order to ensure the best muscle building results possible, I
wanted to work side-by-side with Nick, as well as Master Trainer
Tim. You, as our client, are entirely too important to us. We want
you to have an answer for any question you've got, so we've
teamed up and we're ready to knock it out of the park for you.

Here's the thing -- we're swamped. Hundreds of people clearly
want coaching, based off of the blog comments alone, and it's only
fair to send this email out to our entire combined database of
225,000 loyal subscribers who avidly want more information of
the best fitness and fat loss techniques out there.

The crazy thing is... this time, we're personalizing and customizing
every aspect of your program -- 100% for you.

As such, we only have an extremely limited number of available
spots in this coaching program, so we want to be positive we can
help you. If you are fully committed to do this with us, you're tired
of not getting the results you know you can, and you know
you're ready, then I applaud you for applying.

No pressure intended, but we've never opened up a Muscle
Coaching program before, so we expect this to close in less than
3 days:

3-on-1 Dr. Kareem Coaching with Master Trainers Tim & Nick --- Application

Today, is our Grand Opening. We're accepting applications, and
we're going through each one personally. The thing is... our
coaching program is better than ever -- with 3 trainers now, who
speak the same language, working together, helping you work
around injuries, avoid new ones, and speed up the effect of
every exercise you do.... wow. Unreal.

This is truly a special occasion. Here's how the Dr. Kareem
Coaching Program with Master Trainers Nick & Tim works:

1. Evaluation Center - Movement Screening, Postural Screening,
Initial Client Assessment, Intake Forms, Muscle Assessment

2. Tutorial Center - Personalized and customized recommendations
for each section of the Evaluation Center.

3. Implementation Center - Exercise Manual, Nutrition Manual,
and Supplementation Manual each month for 24 weeks, or 6 months.

4. *LIVE* Client Interaction Center - *LIVE* session with Master
Trainer Tim to work on form, answer questions, or help with any
specific need you have.

Additional *LIVE* session with Master Trainer Nick to go over
any muscle-specific questions you have and personalize to you.

First, we figure out how your body works, how it moves, and what
to balance out. Along the way, we learn about your medical history,
and we find the highest priority system of your body, which is our
starting point on a path to your ideal body. Then, we send you
customized and personalized recommendations of how to work
through these issues, for your body in specific.

Before you know it, it's go time -- we give you everything you
need: Nutrition, Exercise, Supplementation.

This is what we do with our clients in person, but to solve the
"in-person" issue, we've upped our Coaching Program once more --
Now, you can meet with Master Trainer Nick, *LIVE*, and
in-person, either via video skype or through a live recorded
call. The 'personalization' aspect just went through the roof.

There's no excuse -- do you really want to hit your goals in the
next 24 weeks? Are they really important to you? Truly, I hope
you can hit them on your own, but please be honest with
yourself -- in every circumstance in my entire life where I've had
a real transformation that I'm incredibly proud of, I had
accountability. I had a 'need' to perform.

Today, we lay it out for you, and we offer you our hand -- will
you take it?

3-on-1 Dr. Kareem Coaching with Master Trainers Tim & Nick --- Apply here

Meet Master Trainer Tim:

Tim Brown, lifelong friend, long-time employee, and inspirational
trainer. This is a man that gets the job done. I can't recommend
Tim highly enough. For the last 6 months, if not longer, Tim has
been our Office Manager and lead Master Trainer at Global Fitness
LLC. He's been effectively running the entire office, and has my
utmost trust.

What's more? When I approached Tim to ask him if he'd start
working with you online, he said "Bring it on!" -- Tim is ready, and
he knows that we have a repeatable model that works. Tim is
reliable, passionate, talented, and effective.

I've known Tim for the longest time, and I remember him
helping me through the same Kinesiology program we both took
at Penn State University. Have you ever been in class, where you
just know someone is leaps and bounds smarter than all the rest?

That's Tim -- he's freaking brilliant when it comes to training,
and as humble and fun to be around as your best friend from down
the street. With his clients, I've never seen him fail, and I've trusted
Tim, exclusively, with my long-term personal training clients when
I leave town.

Meet Master Trainer Nick Nilsson:

Nick Nilsson, long-time friend and colleague, and who I believe to
be the #1 muscle coach on the internet. He's incredibly creative,
knowledgeable, and innovative when it comes to building muscle;
what I love more is his enthusiasm -- Nick is absolutely obsessed
with working out, and he's always trying new ideas and techniques
on himself.

He's studied under some of the world's best, recently upped his
game substantially more, and he's fired up and ready to spearhead
what is meant to become the #1 muscle coaching program in the
world. We're 100% committed to your results, and you're now
backed by multiple sources of expertise, so we can help you
build muscle while looking at the whole picture -- no one else does

Working with Master Trainer Nick Nilsson is a rare and special
opportunity. At full capacity, there are only so many people Nick
can work with personally, so I want to be sure you're ready
before approaching us. Someone will take this spot, and I'd love
for it to be you -- but only if you're ready to make us proud.

Now, you get all THREE of us -- but we WILL close this down soon --
we don't have a choice:

3-on-1 Dr. Kareem Coaching with Master Trainers Tim & Nick --- Apply here and win, once and for all.

I'm proud to be working with you, and I know exactly what it takes
to see you through your goals. Working with tens of thousands of
clients has taught me that there is a repeatable method, and it all
starts with personalization and customization, but none of it really
ever works without accountability. You have the ability to conquer
any goal you set, and your new body is within reach. As of now,
we can merge everything we know, create a program for you,
and overwhelm your body with positive change:

3-on-1 Dr. Kareem Coaching with Master Trainers Tim & Nick --- Extremely limited -- please apply right away.

Dr. Kareem
Master Trainer Tim (the "fat loss master")
& Master Trainer Nick (the "muscle master")


Bottom line, if you want to build muscle and you want to get coached
by ME and two other top trainers, definitley jump on this. We're
going to fill up fast!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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