Subject: Neurologist: 1-word test predicts dementia in 10 seconds

Experiencing "senior moments?"

Then you need to take this simple 1-word dementia test.

According to the renowned journal, Neurology, if you fail this test you have a 95% chance of suffering from dementia in the future.

This 1-word dementia test is a MUST if you’ve been...

  • Losing your keys…
  • Forgetting names or small details…
  • Or forgetting why you walked into a room…

Because these are red flags of memory loss.


Here's the 1-word test:

Step 1: Spell “world”.

Step 2: Now, spell “world” backward.

Step 3: List the letters in “world” in alphabetical order.

How'd you do?

If you missed any of these (or if it was a struggle to do it), this can be a sign of things to come... and you're going to want to click here to discover something that can help.


Now...even if you passed the test, you're not out of the woods yet...

You NEED to protect your brain from all the toxic garbage we're being bombarded with every day.

Because here's what's happening...

1. Your brain (and all the cells in your body) are powered by mitochondria (little engines inside your cells that process nutrients to create usable energy). Your brain uses more energy than any other organ in your body!

2. As you age, due to a number of factors your brain mitochondria die.

3. As they die, your brain cells also die (no energy = no brain cell), and your brain function diminishes, leading to problems such as memory loss and cognitive issues.

4. There is a specific nutrient found in natto (a fermented bean) that has been PROVEN to REGROW mitochondria. It's called can see a study on it's pretty technical but essentially, this stuff supports a process called mitochondriogenesis, which is the creation of new mitochondria.

5. Regrowing mitochondria can imrpove brain function and preserve and protect your bain cells.


How do I get a hold of PQQ?

First, to get the most out of this stuff, you want to take it with other brain supporting co-factors.

It's good on its own, but the effects will be supercharged when combined with other synergistic nutrients (such as Bacopa, which has been shown to regrow neurons, i.e. brain cells, and Alpha GPC, which supports acetylcholine formation, which is a memory-related neurotransmitter).

I've been testing a product that contains all these things and, while I don't THINK that I currently have dementia, I also can't explain how I come up with some of the exercises I come up :).

After just a few days of taking it consistently, I feel a bit sharper. I feel like I have more "brain energy," so to speak.

That's completely subjective, of coure, but I'm liking what I see and the research that I've read on this stuff is really compelling. It's been thoroughly tested and proven effective and the mechanism of action makes sense.


Bottom line, if brain health is important to you, this is worth exploring...

Brain health is very important to grandmother on my mom's side had Parkinson's... and my father had Parkinson's. If there's a genetic component to it, I've got a pretty big target on my back.

I want to do everything I can to keep my brain going strong.

To learn more about this formula and how it works, click here.

This is a formula that gets at the ROOT of the doesn't just cover up symptoms.

(Side note: If you don't want to watch the video, if you move your mouse up on the page, you'll be asked if you'd like to read a text version of the same information. Just click to do that and you can read through the information at your own pace.)

For me, I know I'm definitely going to keep taking this stuff (the longer you take it, the better the results you'll get from it).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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