Subject: Neuro-based fat loss system...great for ____ but...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yep, Dr. K's Double-Edged Fat Loss system is now fully
available, so if you ARE interested in the program, you can go go
grab it now.


Overall, it is a very good that I have no trouble
recommending. Will it help you lose fat? Absolutely. It even
includes information no how to design your own
nervous-system-priming-based programs, which is an excellent

So in reading through it, I've definitely found that it's more
designed for the beginner to intermediate trainer, more so than
the advanced trainer, but if you ARE advanced, don't let that
stop you...

The neurological-training concepts he talks about can be very
effective, no matter what level you are, and can even be applied
to muscle-building (we'll be talking about THAT in the interview
I'll be doing with him on below).

And I have to say, just the exercise video library itself (600+
exercises) is worth the price alone. Add in the programs and the
neurological training info, and it's a very solid package.

Now rather than send you a fancy whipped-up email, here's the
deal...if you ARE interested at all in the program, now is the
best time to check out because he's not only offering a bunch of
"fast action" bonuses, the price for the next 3 days is actually
75% off what it will regularly be in the future.


I'm also going to kick in a bonus of my own (but only when you
buy his program through the link above) book, "The Best
Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of." The download link
will be sent to you automatically.

Figure why not give you a great set of abs to go with all the
fat loss :)

Anyway, if you DO have any questions about this program that
you'd like me to ask Dr. K on your behalf before you get it, I'll
be doing an interview with him Wednesday afternoon (the recording
will be available after, so don't be shy to submit questions even
if you can't listen live).



Title: Dr. K. Double-Edged Fat Loss Interview
Time: Wednesday, March 17th at 2:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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