Subject: Negative training without a spotter...great for building strength!

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

I'll tell you right up front...if you don't know what Negative
Training is, you probably shouldn't be doing it :)

It's a more advanced training technique that basically eliminates
the "up" phase of a movement and focuses just on the lowering
phase (a.k.a. the eccentric phase). You can use more weight in
the negative phase than you can in the positive (over and above
your normal 1 rep max), making this a very good technique for
building strength.

The main problem with negative training is you often need a
spotter or spotters to do the positive phase for you (i.e.
lifting the bar off you when doing bench press).

So what I've got, for those of us who train by ourselves, are
three exercises that allow you to do negatives completely by spotter required.


And please feel free to leave your comments at the bottom! I've
hooked the page up with a cool Facebook plug-in that allows you
to post comments directly to your FB profile.


P.S. if you missed that email I sent out the other day regarding
back pain, that book deal is still'll get a fr-ee copy
of Jesse Cannone's "7 Day Back Pain Cure" BOOK (not ebook!)- just
cover 6 bucks for shipping and handling.

Cool thing is, Jesse is also donating a portion of the proceeds
to several charities so you'll not only be helping yourself out
of back pain, you'll be helping a couple of great causes, too.

Jesse is a pro when it comes to back pain. Don't just treat the
symptoms with surgery or drugs...treat the actual CAUSE (what a
concept ;)


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