Subject: NEW! Easy "push button" commissions for you with my article landing page links…

Nick Nilsson
The" Mad Scientist" of Muscle

re: KILLER New Affiliate Tool For You

I have to say, I'm VERY excited about this…

I just finished putting the finishing touches on a very cool content delivery system that's going
to help you make some easy affiliate commissions, literally with the push of a button.

As you may or may not know, after their recent Panda update, Google frowns on and sometimes
actively penalizes sites for publishing duplicate content.

So rather than provide syndicated articles to reprint on your site (which I've done in the past but
could now lead to your being penalized by Google), I've instead got for you a full set of affiliate
redirect links that lead to article landing pages on my site.

All you need to do is post these redirect links on your site, in emails to your list or using the
affiliate-branded Social Share buttons I've included in the directory and start making money!

I will also provide you with some short "teaser" copy, which you're welcome to use on your site
to encourage people to click.

Here's the link to check it now…and definitely keep reading below to learn more.




Now, I mentioned affiliate-branded Social Share buttons…(and this is the VERY cool part with
you making commissions with the push of a button!).

When you fill in the form at the top of each article topic page with your affiliate link, I have a
script that automatically brands ALL the links on the page with your affiliate link. Each article has
a set of buttons that includes Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

All you have to do is click the button and up pops a new window that will allow you to share
that link that is ALREADY-BRANDED with your affiliate code directly on your social media accounts.

Yep, just click, type a few lines to personalize the article share text, submit and you're
done. You'll start sending social traffic immediately.

And you can do this with all 79 of the articles I've currently got posted in the directory. I've got
plenty more on the way and I'll be notifying you immediately when I post new articles so you
can share them right away, too.

This new system literally takes practically ALL the work out of it for you and allows you to start
sending traffic through your affiliate links to the people who already trust you the most (your
social network).

It's absolutely push-button simple.

Here's the link again to check it out:


If you have any questions about the system, please don't hesitate to ask and if you have any
suggestions for landing pages from pages you've seen on my site, definitely let me know and
I'll create a link for you asap.

I will also be putting together categories for articles that target specific books and programs of
mine, so if you have a target market, you'll be better able to direct traffic to the right place to
maximize your commissions.

Thanks for your support and I hope you'll get a lot out of this new system! You'll be seeing a
lot more communication from me as I post up new content in this fashion.


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