Subject: NEVER "R.I.C.E." an this instead for faster healing...

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Increasing circulation is critical for healing injuries...

Without circulation, you don't get's that simple.

The R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol is almost completely wrong. The man who originated it has since retracted it as a recommendation!

When you're healing an injury, you actually want to keep the area active (as long as it doesn't make it worse), you don't want to ice it (because that slows circulation), you don't want to compress it (because that also slows circulation), and elevating can also, yes, slow circulation.


That's where Incrediwear comes in...

Incrediwear is made with semiconductor (germanium and carbon) fibers woven into the material. When these fibers are activated by body heat, they create negative ions, which activates local circulation in the area that the brace is on.

It sounds very new age, but there is solid research behind it...and WORKS.

If you have injuries that need healing or areas that need extra support while you're training, this is a product I would HIGHLY recommend.

I've got my full review of the Incrediwear shoulder brace on my site here...

When I used this brace, I purposefully overloaded myself on the bench press with excess volume, which always tweaks my shoulders.

The shoulder I was wearing the brace on did NOT feel tweaked. It was an excellent control group demonstration to me of the effectiveness of this technology.

Incrediwear Shoulder Brace Review

If you have any injury, I would 100% recommend their products to assist with healing.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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