Subject: Myo-Satellite Cells...the REAL key to crashing your genetic barriers to mass

If you want to hit the next level of
mass, myo-satellite cells are your
"holy grail"...

...they will give you the ability to basically CREATE
more muscle cells from the ones you've already got.

You want this because the more muscle cells you've
got, the easier it is to gain muscle, plain and simple.
It's why some guys can live on coffee and cigarettes,
train like idiots, and still be bigger than you.

Going to turn it over to IFBB pro bodybuilder Ben
Pakulski for the full explanation on satellite cells here...

(and just fyi, Ben has actually put together a university
-tested training protocol for activating satellite cells

that's been proven to be extremely effective...not
easy but effective).



How to Activate Myo-Satellite Cells
(and why you want to!)

How to Activate Myo-Satellite Cells

Most cells in the body have a single nucleus that
controls many functions within the cell.

The nucleus is where DNA transcription or protein
synthesis takes place. Protein synthesis, for those
of you that don’t know, is the means by which cells
are rejuvenated and repair themselves.

Muscle cells are unique in that they have been
shown to have multiple nuclei.

Why does this matter to you?

Well, in the simplest of ways, your growth is
regulated by the amount of protein that can be
synthesized in each given cell. No protein
synthesis, no growth.

Scientific research indicates that this seems to be
why some people can train hard and not get
nearly as much soreness as other people. They
simply have more nuclei per cell to quickly repair
and rejuvenate their muscles.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger in his
prime might have had 10 or 12 nuclei per cell,
you may only have 4.

Arnold can thereby synthesize a lot more protein
than you can within that muscle in a short period
of time. He can train more often and still be able
to recover from these insane workouts. This also
seems to be why some people build muscle
easily while others build very little.

This nuclei theory of muscular development may
also account for “weak” bodyparts. Your strong
bodyparts may have a larger number of nuclei,
whereas your weaker ones may have less.

Does this mean you’re doomed to a fate of
skinny-dom forever?

Well, if the number of nuclei per cell is the only
thing holding you back from building more and
more muscle in less time, what if someone
found a way to actually increase the number of
nuclei per cell?

No, not surgery. Something you can actually do
in a few short minutes. Would you sit down and
listen for a minute? Of course you would... so did I.

Research has now proven without a shadow of
a doubt, that in response to extreme types of
stress and extreme tension, there is a special
type of cell that actually attaches itself to a
muscle and “donates” a nuclei to that muscle cell.

This literally increases the number of nuclei in
the cell and thereby allows the muscle to recover
faster by synthesizing more protein at one time.

This process is called satellite cell recruitment
and you’re about to learn how it can be achieved
in literally 4-minutes

Now, of course, there are a few known mechanisms
of hypertrophy that can increase the size of your
muscles...they are all important and recognized.

However, this one in particular seems to be the
missing link... the true limiting factor to new muscle

By unlocking the key to new muscle cell nuclei,
we may have found the next real breakthrough
in muscle hypertrophy training.

Even more importantly than that, we can do it in a
fraction of the time that might otherwise be thought

The implications of this are vast with regard to the
elderly and aging population, people who are sick
and lack the ability to train for extended times, as
well as people like you and I who simply want to

Intra-set stretching and my Cellular Expansion
are the best-known ways to maximize
satellite cell recruitment and nuclei donation to
your weak muscle cells.

By placing a massive amount of stress on the
tissue for a prolonged period of time (the extended
time under maximal tension not possible during
contraction), the muscle senses the increased
stress and the demand for increased recovery

It subsequently then sends satellite cells to assist
in the recovery of that stressed tissue.

Satellite cells donate a nuclei to the stressed
muscle cell in an attempt to assist it in the
healing and recovery process.

Once that cell has the extra nuclei, it seems to stay
there for life.

The amount of stress needed to recruit satellite
cells is very high. The type of stress that, until now,
was limited to highly trained athletes, bodybuilders
and powerlifters.

With CEP training, this type of stress is possible
for anyone at any level.


This is Nick here again...

After reading the article above, you can see this is
VERY promising stuff. Satellite cells and muscle
fiber hyperplasia have been a topic I've put a fair
bit of research and experimentation into myself.

I think the potential this type of training has for
helping you make serious leaps forward in muscle
mass is HUGE.

Ben has done a terrific job "stacking" several
training protocols together into his comprehensive
"Cellular Expansion Protocol" to FORCE satellite
cell recruitment to occur.

His entire program gets top marks from me...I've
had the chance to talk training with him on several
occasions and have always been impressed with
the depth of his knowledge and committment to
building muscle.

Find out how MI40-Extreme can help you build
more muscle FAST

(if you don't have time for the whole video and are still
interested in learning about the program, you can also
click the "Learn More" link when you get to the page)


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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