Subject: My weirdest trick for unlocking stubborn fat...

This method is going to sound a but nuts...but it actually works GREAT.

Now, fair warning, once you get your fat cells to release the fat, you still have to BURN those free fatty acids...otherwise they'll just get taken back up into the fat cells again, so I recommend using this method before a training session or even just before going for a walk.

And just so you know up front, I based this method on research paper I read about 20 years ago. And unfortunately, I don't have the reference for the research study that I first based this technique on, though, so I can't fully back it up with science.

However, I've been using this method ever since and tested it with a number of people and it works every time.


Oil Pulling

You might be familiar with the technique called "oil pulling," which has been around for hundreds, if not, thousands of years, especially in Ayruvedic medicine. Basically, you hold oil in your mouth then "pull" it through and around your teeth for between 5 to 20 minutes or so.

The purpose of oil pulling in that context is to improve oral health and "draw out" toxins from your body.

Now, I can't speak to the effectiveness of the toxins part of it, but it definitely does work for oral health.


We're going to use oil pulling to unlock your fat cells.

So the research study I mentioned above talked about how, when you have fat in your mouth, your body responds by releasing free fatty acids from your fat cells.

Essentially, the fat in your mouth signals your body to open up the fat cells.

That sounds simple but it's actually a BIG deal, if you think about it.

You're trying to lose fat...and stubborn fat is stubborn because doesn't like to be unlocked.

In theory, this unlocks it.

(I say "in theory," because I don't have research studies to back it up...just personal experience and testing on other people).


How to do it...

I like to use organic coconut oil, but you can use other oils as well. Just take a teaspoon of it and hold it in your mouth until it melts (or if it's liquid, you're good to go). Swish it around and pull it through your teeth.

It's going to be a weird sensation, I'll tell you up front.

For our purposes for unlocking fat cells, I recommend swishing it around for about 5-10 minutes or so (not less than 2 minutes).

I actually find when I do this that I get an immediate increase in energy levels...and this bears out with the other people who have tested it as well.

It's not a "wired" feeling...just a feeling of more available energy.

Then spit it out in the toilet. Don't swallow it or spit it down the sink (it's oil and if you're using an oil that congeals at room temperature, it might congeal in your sink pipes).

Rinse a little more with water, then you're good to go.


The fat-burning shortcut...

So now that you've unlocked this fat, doing a physical activity will immediately start burning those free fatty acids.

Normally, it takes a bit of time for your body to get the signal to start opening up the fat cells and burning fat for energy.

With this shortcut, you're in that state right from the start and your fat-burning training is more effective.


Use it on a low carb diet, Keto, or Intermittent Fasting for an energy boost...

One of the nice things about this technique is that energy boost you get from it. And because you're not actually eating any of the fat, it's calorie free.

If you find your energy flagging when you're on a low-carb, Keto or IF diet, you can use this technique to give yourself a little energy.


That's the trick!

If you try it, definitely let me know. I love hearing how stuff like this works for you.

It's not going to replace diet or exercise as a major fat loss driver, but it could potentially give you a little kick in the pants to help keep things moving in the right direction.

Now I've got something for you from a guy who DOES have a ton of research behind his weird fat-loss methods...


How to lose weight WITHOUT diet or exercise (yes, I’m serious)...

I know this sounds like heresy, especially coming from me :)

The concept is absolutely fascinating, though, and can be used in conjunction with diet and exercise for even better results.

It’s based on more than 70 years of research and multiple laws of biology, and is written by the guy who is one of the pioneers of Intermittent Fasting (Brad Pilon who wrote Eat-Stop-Eat and Fat Cell Killer).

I've known Brad for a LONG time and he's always been spot-on with his research-based methods.

This new technique can help increase growth hormones levels, and actually has many of the same benefits of exercise AND fasting.

It's worth checking out.

Learn how to use HEAT strategically to lose weight without diet or exercise.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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