Subject: My top 5 exercises to achieve the ideal "X" frame look...

There are 5 "high impact" muscle groups you need to specifically target to build that "superhero/action star" look...

Shoulders, traps, upper chest, lats and quads.

Proper work on these muscle groups can make you LOOK like you've added 10-15 lbs of muscle, even if you're just adding 3-5 lbs.

The past couple of days, I've talked about a new program called the "Hollywood X" program from my friends and colleagues, Jason Maxwell and Alain Gonzalez, that targets these exact muscles for that exact purpose.

What I wanted to do today is give you 5 of my best exercises for targeting those exact muscle groups. You can work them into the Hollywood X program, if you decide to get it and give it a try.

1. Shoulders - Plate Cross-Over Raises

2. Traps - Upper Back Clenching Shrugs

3. Upper Chest - Feet-Elevated Bench Clench Push-Ups

4. Lats - Corner Rack Pull-Ups (fyi, this is an older video with no sound but the exercise itself is awesome).

5. Quads - Barbell Front Squat Rack Machine

When you put exercises like this into the proper program, you can really make a big visual difference in your physique FAST.

And if you're interested in a program with that exact focus...

Learn more about the Hollywood X program here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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