Subject: My take on a classic Gironda bicep exercise...(GREAT stretch)

If you want massive biceps, you HAVE to hit
the stretch position of the curl...

...and for achieving that stretch, the Supine Bench Curl was a
Vince Gironda favorite.

The version I've got for you here adds even MORE stretch to the
exercise by setting you on a DECLINE bench instead of a flat

There is a trade-off, however...and that is LESS tension as you
come up to the contracted position of the exercise. That can be
addressed by immediately following this curl with a contraction-
focused exercise like a concentration curl or cable curl.

For this one, you'll need a decline bench...(makes sense, right!).

Start with a couple of relatively light dumbbells. Lay back on
the decline bench and hold the dumbbells in the top of the curl
position. Your head should be up off the bench so you get
some tension in through the core to help stabilize the movement.

Now comes the fun part...

Lower the dumbbells, straightening your arms out. HOLD at the
bottom for a few seconds, developing the stretch tension in the

Then curl back up, using a deliberate contraction of the bicep
muscles. The key here is to really feel those bicep fibers
engaging to move the weight. Keep the upper arms FIXED in
position while you begin the curl up.

This is a very simple exercise and VERY effective for putting
massive stretch tension on the biceps.


If you want to learn more about Vince Gironda
and his training techniques, this is a book
you'll want to check out...

This the most complete and comprehensive writing on
Vince Gironda ever put togther
and is a must read for
anyone interested in his training teachings.

He was a big inspiration to me and I devoured the whole
book one sitting, when I got my copy.

The "Iron Guru" was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the
"Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time,
Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as
the Mecca of bodybuilding.

Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym,
movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice
and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood,
Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used
Vince and his gym to shape up their stars.

This updated eBook contains more than 300 pages of text,
drawings, and pictures in PDF format. It contains a wealth
of information on and from Vince Gironda. There never has
been, and presently there is nothing in existence, that can
compare with the Updated Vince Gironda Legend and
Myth for information on and about Vince Gironda, his
methods, and concepts.

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth contains interviews with
Larry Scott, Don Howorth, Dick Tyler, Bill Pearl, comments by
Dave Draper.

New Vince Gironda Legend and Myth --- Get it on sale here

Also included are topics such as...

How Much Protein?
Steak and Eggs
Train 21 Rest 7
15 Sets of 4 Reps
3 Day Maximum Routine
A Muscle Has Four Sides
Exercise Style and Performance
Exercise Frequency
Exercise and Exercise Routines
Mental Attitudes
Workout Tempo
Best Exercises
Preacher Stand
Developing Muscle
Common Bodybuilding Errors
Vince's Stone Age Nutrition
Diet and Supplements
Three Day Detoxification Plan
Vince's European Weight-Gaining Trick
Anabolic Steroids
Biological Transmutation of The D.N.A
Failure Versus 60-80.
Joe Weider
Vince Gironda Update Section
Question & Answer Section
Philosophy of Champions
Vince's Pure Gold
Vince Gironda Seminar
All Protein Muscle Building Diet
Gironda Goodies
Biographical Sketch of Vince Gironda
Abs Vince's Way
The Gironda Sissy Squat
Simply Vince
Bob Kennedy
Bodybuilding For Men Over 40
Ron Kosloff Section
Vince's Photo Section
Paul Becker
About The Author
Quick Thoughts and Insights Learned From Vince
Vince Gironda Legend and Myth Update Introduction
The Master & Pro Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding Introduction
The Master Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding
The Pro Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding



This book is absolutely incredible. It cuts right through all the hype
and gets back to the basic old school muscle building information that
has been proven over and over for decades.

Pick it up here, 20% off expires tonight!

Be sure to use the code GIRONDA20 at checkout for 20% off!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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