Subject: My "secret" monster tricep exercise...a NEW version

If you want big, thick, meaty triceps, you need to hit them with direct isolation work in addition to heavy, compound exercises like dips and presses.

The Bodyweight Tricep Extension is one of the single best stretch-focused isolation exercises you can do for the triceps, especially the long head (which is the largest of the three tricep heads).

We're going to take this exercise to the next level by adding additional weight in a way that actually gives you a strong, tension-filled contraction at the top of the exercise, where normally you would lose all tension. This is NOT a beginner should be comfortable and experienced on the regular bodyweight version before trying this one.

When doing the normal version, the focus is on the stretch...with this version, you get both stretch AND contraction...and it is brutal because that means you get NO break in the tension for the entire set.

The setup looks more complicated than it actually is.

To do it, you'll need a power rack or Smith machine (or something else solid to set your hands on that's at a good height), two bars and a dip belt.

And in case you're wondering, I DID try it with just a dip belt and plates and it didn't really work need this barbell setup to really get the most out of it, due to the leverage action.

I've got the bar in the rack pushed up against the back uprights. This is where you'll set your hands. The bar height should be around waist height (you can adjust as needed).

I've got 4 plates on the one end and just one single 45 lb bumper plate on the other end (it doesn't need to be a bumper plate...I used that before it's more "grippy" than the regular steel plate and I didn't want the plate to slide on the smooth concrete floor).

Loop the chain or weight strap of the dip belt under the end of the bar, right up against the inner weight collar area that the plates butt up against. Get the dip belt set on your hips, just like you normally would.

Now stand up and set your hands on the bar in front of you. The loaded end of the bar should be a few inches off the ground. This is essentially a "landmine" setup...and if you have a landmine attachment that you can move into position for this one, that'll work great.

Now come down into the bottom position of the exercise. Your head should duck under the bar, and make sure to keep your elbows tucked in...don't let them flare out to the sides.

The simplest trick to make sure you do this is to set your hands on the bar, then externally rotate your shoulders until your inner elbows are facing directly up. This makes the hinge of the elbow track up and down instead of out wide in a flare. Then just make sure you keep this position as you do the exercise to fully isolate the triceps.

Hold the stretch for a second or two, then push back up.

This stretch position is where the bar height that your hands are on is want the height to be high enough that the weight plates of the bar are still off the ground when you're in the bottom of the stretch. If you set the bar too low, the weight will rest on the ground and you lose the tension.

Do this exercise under complete control the entire time...ZERO momentum.

The "money" part of this hits as you come to the you push to the top, the leverage of the bar is such that it ramps up the tension on the triceps. It's pulling down and forward, meaning you have to continue to use the triceps to push up and away. The triceps stay engaged, even at full lockout.

Now repeat...until you die.

Not literally, but I actually like to go to failure on this one.

The regular Bodyweight Tricep Extension is one of my "secret" exercises for building monster triceps...and when you add in this extra leverage-based tension, the effect is just ridiculously powerful.

I absolutely love this one. It looks insane and maybe a little weird but the pump and soreness you're going to get from this one is downright addictive, even if you're an advanced trainer with already big arms.

Click here to watch the full video of this exercise in action, including explanation and demo.

Click here to start from the exercise demo.


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Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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