Subject: My "secret" assistance exercise to blow up your squat and deadlift...

The core and the upper back are two of the most common weak links in both squats and deadlifts...and this Zercher Squat variation is going to strengthen those FAST.

This is a Bench Zercher Pin Squat...basically a bottom-start Zercher Squat with the bar set on the rails of a rack, starting from seated on a bench. This allows you to use maximum weight on the exercise.

The goal of this one is not to work the legs...ironically enough. It's to strengthen the upper back and core for OTHER exercises (like squats and deadlifts).

Holding the weight in a Zercher position like this just HAMMERS the upper back and core and will strengthen those two potential weak links extremely fast because of the sheet amount of weight you can use.

Check out the full rundown here and put this one to could be a gamechanger for your strength in the squat and deadlift.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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