Subject: My "secret" 30-second warm-up...

This will save you a TON of time on the front end of your workouts.

It's the method I use at the start of just about every warm-up that I do.

It takes just a few seconds to complete, yet can have a big effect on the quality of the rest of your training.


How it works...

The first thing you need to understand about warm-ups is that one of their primary functions is to get the blood out of the abdomen.

This is known as "sequestering"...your body keeps a reserve of blood in the abdomen when it's not needed for activity.

One of the main purposes of the warm-up (aside from actually warming up the tissue) is to make that blood accessible and get it out into the body for carrying nutrients and oxygen.

Most people try to accomplish this with a cardio warm-up, to "get the blood moving". That definitely works...eventually.

Me, I prefer a more direct route that doesn't require extensive time.

This two-exercise combination isometrically targets just about every major muscle group in the body in addition to getting the blood out of the abdominal cavity and ready for use.

I've found this simple combo cuts my warm-up time tremendously while still giving me the benefits of the warm-up.

Check out my "secret" 30-second warm-up here.

(and yeah, I know what it looks like ;)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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