Subject: My personal supplement routine...the good, the bad and the stupid...

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of BetterU News

I have to say, over the years, I've had a LOT of people ask me
what supplements I take...what works, what doesn't and why I use
what I use.

And over the years I've tried a LOT of stuff. Some of it good,
some of it downright useless, and some of it probably downright
stupid :) Hey, just gotta be honest!

So here is EXACTLY what I take right's pretty basic
stuff, you'll see, because I'm more keen on hard training and
good eating with supplements backing things up. I'm not a
supplement junkie quite like I USED to be when I first started

It's not perfect and doesn't include absolutely everything I'd
LIKE to take, but it provides a pretty good spectrum of

1. First thing in the morning:

1 scoop of Hemp protein
1 tsp of "greens" supplement
1 calcium/magnesium (2:1 ratio, citrate version of both minerals)
1 multivitamin
1000 mg vitamin C
1000 IU Vit D
1 joint supplement (containing glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM)
2 capsules (1000 mg each) fish oil (Nordic Naturals brand)

2. With evening meal (on non-training days) - same
vitamin/mineral supplements

3. Post-Workout - same vitamin/mineral supplements plus...

2 scoops Whey protein (right now it's either EAS brand or Prograde)
1 scoop Country Time Lemonade mix (sugary drink mix for an insulin spike)
2 tsps of glutamine
1 tsp "greens" supplement

I don't take a lot of supplemental protein on non-training days
- really just the hemp in the morning on those days. I get a lot
of protein in the food I eat.

If I'm loading creatine, I'll take it 4 times a day for 5 days -
one with morning supplements, one pre-workout, one with
post-workout shake and one in between meals at some point during
the day.

So that's what I'm taking NOW...on Friday, I'll tell you the
absolute WORST supplements I've ever taken (the stupid ones I
mentioned before)


Now, I've got something cool for you...

If you're interested in getting a full-on look at an EXCELLENT
supplement manual that goes into detail on what you should and
shouldn't be taking.

It's extremely comprehensive and written by a colleague of mine
from Australia, Mark Ottobre. Mark's an excellent trainer - he's
coached some seriously good bodybuilders, including two-time Mr.
and Ms. Australia winners.

I've got a copy of the book and honestly, it's good stuff -
it'll answer all your supplement questions and get you pointed in
the right direction. Mark's approach is very similar to mine when
it comes to supplements.

Check it out here:


Enjoy! I'll have my WORST supplements for you on Friday.


P.S. in case you're wondering, here's the online store I buy my
supplements at:

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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