Subject: My own "neural" anchoring technique for you to try...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a quick tip for you that I think you'll enjoy - it'll really show you the power of this "neuro" stuff you've been hearing so much about.

I talked about it in my interview with Dr. K the other day but I'll give you the quick rundown here (you can still listen to that seminar and download it here, btw).


So this is a very powerful mental "anchoring" technique you can use in your training to set yourself up for peak performance every time. It's a trick I learned about 17 years ago and it still works for me to this very day.

Basically, you need to do it when you're performing a GREAT workout...a workout when you're achieving peak performance and the weights are just flying up. Because what we want to do is train your body to replicate that peak performance state through mental and physical cues that you're going to "anchor" your peak performance to.

So don't use this on a workout when you're dragging...use it only when you're cranking!

Here's what you do...

1. During that great workout, right before you're about to do a set that you KNOW you're going to power through, close your eyes and sit quietly on a bench and think of a visual in your head...could be anything...I like to use a visual of a nuclear bomb explosion :)

2. At the same time, do a PHYSICAL cue...this could be pinching your nose...making a "tent" with your fingers like Mr. Burns on the Simpsons...doesn't matter. The key is that should be something you NEVER do in regular life. We want this physical cue to be something exclusive to this peak performance state.

3. Do this for 10 to 15 seconds, until you've pretty much shut everything else out. When your mind is focused, NOW do that exercise and just CRANK it out.

4. If it truly was a peak performance, repeat those two cues (visual and physical) again immediately after the set.

5. The cues are set! To reinforce them, repeat this "cue setting" before and after your next peak performance sets in your workout.

What this is going to accomplish is put your mind in a "peak performance state." It immediately tells your body what's going to happen and prepares it for the work ahead. This helps TREMENDOUSLY with focus and I've found it be extremely effective.

Like I mentioned above, though, be sure and set these cues ONLY when you're having a great workout - you don't want to attach to a mediocre one.

When you're ready to use the cues, they'll be there to help you get into that same mental state and prep for a monster lift!

That's my anchoring trick...give it a try next time you hit the "zone" in your training. It'll help you get right into that peak state immediately!

Now, this isn't exactly what's in Dr. K's program, but he uses visualization similar to this in his program in addition to the nervous-system based fat loss training. It's definitely good stuff and the 75% discount IS going away tomorrow at midnight, so if you're interested, check it out now:



P.S. Now for something completely unrelated...Chicken Pizza

Well, actually, it's not completely see, one of the main things that Dr. K doesn't address in great detail in his program is nutrition (he's more on the training side of things, like me).

So with that in mind, I've got a line on an EXCELLENT healthy recipe book from my partners at Prograde Nutrition (I'll be telling you more about these guys in the near future...GREAT supplement company. I know the owners and they're a class act. One of the few supplements companies I trust completely).

They sent me along a link to pass along to you for a recipe for Chicken Pizza and I have to say, it's WAY better than the recipes I come up with, e.g. boil spaghetti...add sauce...dump in meat.

This "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes in their new ebook (which is a killer deal at just 5 bucks). Definitely worth picking up, if you're interested in some great healthy recipes to try out!

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