Subject: My own embarrassing before and after pics using Metabolic Surge...

Yeah, not proud of that before picture... :)

But this is what two rounds of my "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program did for me.

I had taken a layoff for more than a month and had pretty much just let myself go because of a whole bunch of other stuff going on in my life at the time (it happens to the best of us).

Those pics show a dramatic difference for sure, even with the different lighting and pose.

They were taken about 12 weeks apart and I followed the nutrition and training in my Metabolic Surge program VERY strictly.

(In case you're wondering, the Metabolic Surge program is essentially a carb-rotation style of program that uses workouts exactly targeted to the types of nutrients you're eating to maximize not only fat loss but muscle gain as well

The training volume strategically increases as your body adapts to it so that you don't hit a plateau as your body is forced to burn more and more fat).


Bottom line, these results may not be typical but they ARE possible!

That's why I decided to include Metabolic Surge in with this package of my best fat loss books, even though it's technically retired.

Here are the other books you'll get...


How to Order...

Right now, you can get all four of these fat loss books for just 20 bucks when you click here

This link goes directly to the check out page...just click, order and you'll be taken right to the download page that has all four books on it!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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