Subject: My own deadly workout finishers...barbell and bodyweight complexes...

So the past few days I've been talking about "workout finishers"...
specifically the collection of workout finishers put together by my
friend Mike Whitfield.

Click here to check that out if you haven't seen it yet

(on a side note, Mike put this book on sale just for my subscribers
for 65% off the regular price...and that ends TONIGHT at


So today, in that spirit, I'm going to hook you up with my OWN
set of workout finishers.

What I use are called barbell and bodyweight complexes, the idea
being to perform multiple exercises all in a row without ever letting
go of the bar or rest, just constant work using
movements that target different areas of the body.

These complexes are VERY tough and challenging...and a lot of fun!

They're right along the same lines as what Mike does with his
finishers, though his are actually more bodyweight-oriented than
mine making them a bit more accessible in terms of equipment needed.

Learn my Barbell and Bodyweight Complexes here...


And if you're interested in picking up Mike's "Workout Finishers 2.0",
definitely be sure and grab it before the price goes up later tonight.

If you're familiar with Tabata training, you'll find the concepts to be
right along the same line (essentially 4 minutes of high-intensity
bursts of activty with
very short rest's INCREDIBLY
effective for fat loss and cranking up the metabolism).

Pick up your copy of "Workout Finishers 2.0" here...

Mike used these finishers to achieve a pretty spectacular weight loss
(grand total of 105 lbs) in himself.

Pick up your copy of Workout Finishers 2.0 here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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