Subject: My new site "" is live!

"What Is The Point Of Being On This Earth If You Are Going To Be Like Everyone Else?"
- Arnold Schwarzenegger


This is, by far, my favorite Arnold quote. It pretty much sums up exactly what I do...and what I've got in store for you...


Because if you enjoy all the insane Mad Scientist training and exercises you get from me via email, you're going to LOVE this.

I've just switched on my new website,

On this site, you're going to find a TON of my unique exercises, methods and programs...with more being added all the time.

The killer training info that I've sent you via email will now have a permanent home on the site, so you can refer to it any time!


What's On The Site?

I've got sections for...

I've tried to keep the structure easy to figure out and easy to use.

The videos and pictures are all fully mobile-friendly so you can pull up the pages on your phone to bring to the gym with you for reminders of how to perform movements and techniques.


More Being Added Regularly

As I mentioned above, I'll be adding more and more info to this site constantly. I've got a TON of stuff on there already, and it's just scratching the surface.


Share and Enjoy!

When you find an exercise or technique you like, please share it! I've got share buttons on every single page of the site to make it easy.


I'd Love Your Feedback

After checking out the site, I'd love to get your feedback or comments. I want this site to be as useful to you as possible.


That's all for now!

Click here to check out the new site now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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