Subject: My new favorite ab exercise (that's NOT even an ab exercise!)...
Yeah, I know that's kind of strange...but I have to say, after doing this exercise a few days ago, it tightened up my entire core like CRAZY for the next few days. Felt like I was wearing a weight belt around all day. The exercise is the Single Dumbell Floor Press and ANYBODY at ANY training level can do it (just adjust the weight to your level). Technically, it's targeted to focus on the chest and triceps (a little shoulder, too). What I found when doing this one with a moderately heavy weight was that my obliques and transversus (the deep muscles of the core that wrap around the midsection) were put under INCREDIBLE tension due to the movement and the body position you put yourself in to do the movement. For weight, use something you could normally use for presses for 10 to 15 reps or so...I'm using a 105 lb dumbell. Here's what it looks like... First, I grab the dumbell with both hands in a seated position then lay back and get it into the bottom press position in my left hand. My upper arm is resting fully on the floor and I have NO tension in the chest at that point. My left foot is way out to the side in order to counterbalance the push. Now I push HARD with that one the same time I push down HARD with my left foot so I don't just roll to my left. It's this simultaneous push with the leg and push with the arm that lights up those deep muscles of the core. This is some killer abdominal training. Once you've done 3 to 5 reps on one side, lower the dumbell to your chest then switch hands and do the same on your right side. This is one of the three "one dumbell circuit" exercises I posted a few days can see the video for this exercise there. Click here to check that out now. Getting Six-Pack Abs... Now, the other thing I wanted to tell you about here, if you're interested in some more excellent core/abdominal training, is that program from Carl Juneau that I mentioned yesterday. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, I definitely recommend doing so. It's SOLID information on exactly what you need to do to get the six-pack abs you want...and it ain't crunches or sit-ups! This is six-pack training that WORKS...not hype. Nick Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser: