Subject: My new favorite Trap exercise and a last-chance reminder...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So first, I just wanted to get you a quick reminder that today is
the last chance you'll have to pick up "Home Made Strength II:
Grip Strength Edition" from Jedd Johnson for cheap.

If you're interested in building better grip strength, DO NOT let
this get away. It is cheap (27 bucks) and packed with GREAT
grip-training info that you can use at home, for building your
own grip equipment and using it properly.

This is awesome stuff and the price goes up at midnight...



Second, I wanted to share with you my new favorite Trapezius exercise...

I don't normally get excited about trap work because there's
really not much to it other than shrugs (and rows and deadlifts
and squat supports and cleans and high pulls and...ok, maybe a
little more than shrugs, but you know what I mean :).

Anyway, THIS exercise gives you all the benefits of the regular
shrug and a whole lot more because of the position your body is
in while you're doing the shrug. I'm not going to give it away'll have to go to the page and see it for yourself.

It's going to work your upper traps, middle traps, the upper back
muscles (rhomoids, teres major), the lower back, the arms, the
legs and the core all at once.

All you need is a bench and a barbell to do it....


P.S. If you haven't yet checked out my new Facebook page and
clicked the measly little "Like" button, definitely do it now!

I'll give you a million dollars...

(no, I won't, but do it anyway)...

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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