Subject: My new "Perfect Storm" bench press for building MONSTER pressing power...

If you want to build a bigger bench press, you need to train for explosive power out the bottom and full acceleration all the way through to the top of the exercise.

This unique setup forces you to do EXACTLY that with every rep, which is why I like to call it the "Perfect Storm Bench Press."

Not only do you get the benefits of working against the bands as you come to the top, you also get DIRECTIONAL resistance on the pecs (meaning the bands are pulling outwards so you have to exert inwards tension), AND you get additional loading from weights suspended by the bands.

As well, if you have bad shoulders (like me), because you're using a lighter weight for the bottom half of the movement, it's much easier on the shoulders while still developing power and strength at the top.

All of these things is why I like to call it the "perfect storm" for a killer bench press builder.

Get the full rundown on the setup here...

(No, I'm not mother had me tested...)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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