Subject: My most embarassing "before" picture...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

I've gotta be honest...I didn't want to post that pic. I hate
that picture...

But I thought it was important to do it because I want you to
know that letting yourself slide happens to EVERYBODY.

The key lies in what you DO about it.

Do you STAY in that slide or do you pull yourself together and
get on a program that will take your body from "before" to

You can check out the pic here:


And the program that I used to pull myself together was my own
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program...and I have some VERY
cool things to tell you about it.


1. Burning Fat and Building Muscle at the SAME Time

This program makes it happen. You're not going to do it at the
EXACT same'll be using short cycles where you totally
change up your training and eating to focus on each of those
major goals. Going back and forth quickly between these two goals
is the ONLY way to accomplish both in a given timeframe.

The cool part is, when it you do it like this, it works even
BETTER than focusing on just one goal at a time!


2. Your TRAINING is Tailored to the Exact Nutrients You're Eating...

This goes right back to #1...when you're eating low-carb, for
example, you should definitely NOT train the same way as when
you're eating low-fat. To truly maximize fat-burning when eating
low-carb you want to maximize lactic acid production, which in
turn increases fat-burning hormone levels.

Same thing goes for eating low-fat. In the Surge program, you'll
be focusing on fat-loss for the majority of the program with a
short burst of muscle-building training when you switch from
low-carb to low-fat. This allows you to take full advantage of
the loading of water and nutrients that come rushing in when you
make the switch.

Honestly, it's insane how well it works, plus I've got a few
other tricks (of course!) to maximize the effects.


3. I've Just Put Together Metabolic Surge 2.0

And yes, this is where I went all "mad scientist" :)

In addition to revamping the look and adding to and improving
the content, the book now contains SEVEN complete
"paint-by-numbers" training programs that effective and easy to

1. The NEW Metabolic Surge - a more "athletic"-focused version
of the training program, this new version focuses more on
performance, in addition to fat loss.

2. The Original Metabolic Surge - the classic program and just
as effective as ever!

3. Level 1 - perfect for beginners, this version uses fewer sets
and somewhat longer rest periods.

4. Bodyweight Surge - training at home with limited equipment?
THIS is the program for you. This one uses your bodyweight and
very simple items found in your home (like chairs and a

5. Specialization Training Surge - got a weak bodypart you want
to improve or a bodypart that GETS weak when you go on a diet?
This version of the program will help bring up your weaknesses
while dropping fat.

6. Muscle Surge - if you want equal parts muscle-building and
fat loss, this version is for you. It'll accomplish BOTH goals

7. Stink Training Surge - by training with exercises you stink
at, every workout you do will be harder and more
inefficient...and inefficiency means more calories burned and
more fat loss.


4. A MONSTER Online Exercise and FAQ Database (210+ videos so far!)

If you have any questions about any of the techniques, this will
answer them...I've got exercise videos covering bodyweight and
free weight stuff, training technique demos so you know exactly
how to perform every phase of the program, frequently asked name it...and I'm going to be adding even MORE to
it in the coming weeks and months.


Okay, that's all I'll hit you with right now, but stay tuned and
definitely check my horrible "before" picture :)



P.S. For the next few days (until Friday, June 11th at midnight
CST), I'm going to be throwing in ALL FOUR of my Best Exercises
ebooks when you pick up Metabolic Surge 2.0. These normally sell
for $110 on their own and you'll get no charge.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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