Subject: My "mad scientist" method for a thicker back using a HAMSTRING exercise...[LOVE this one]

As you might have gathered from reading some of the stuff that I send out, I'm a BIG fan
of repurposing exercises for targeting bodyparts other than the ones for which they're
originally intended.

THAT is what this exercise is all about...and it's going to MASSIVELY overload your back muscles.

The exercise is the Stiff-Legged Deadlift, and you're going to use a very simple technique
and setup for shifting the focus from primarily the hamstrings to primarily the mid-back area.

And the beauty of it is, the setup you're going to use will allow to put a MONSTER load (I
do this exercise with 400+ pounds on the bar) on your lats while in their peak contracted
position, with almost all the tension going directly to those mid-back muscles.

Do this exercise one or twice a week and it'll thicken up your lats and other mid-back muscles
like nothing else you've tried.

Check out the Stiff-Legged Deadlift Back Thickness Technique here...


Also, just real quick, I wanted to give you a reminder regarding a limited-time bonus that's
being offered with the Hypertrophy MAX program put out by Vince Del Monte and IFFB pro
Ben Pakulski.

Tonight at midnight they'll be pulling Ben's Advanced Hypertrophy & Fat Loss Techniques
3-hour seminar download, which will be included in your order as a FREE bonus gift:

Attendees paid $150 to get access to this event and just recently Big Ben SOLD OUT a series
of 5-day camps through Australia at $2,400 per person covering much of this same info.

And I have to say, one of the things I like most about Ben is that aside from the "chemcial
assistance" that pro bodybuilders basically have to use in order to get to the top, he's actually
EXTREMELY intelligent.

His training methods are backed by solid science and this information applies to ANY body,
not just those who are using. I've had the chance to experiment with a lot of techniques he's
put forward...they're excellent and I've learned a lot.

==> 60% OFF Hypertrophy MAX + Advanced Techniques Seminar FREE

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. Remember, when you pick up their program (no matter what price you sign up at), I'll
kick in a copy of my own "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass" program. Just
make sure you buy through the links in my emails to qualify (then send your receipt to and we'll hook you up).


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