Subject: My long, lost brother has a new fat-loss program out...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yeah, I know that's a bit melodramatic (so sue me, I was hooked
on "Days of Our Lives" back in college...for a couple of

It's just that I'm convinced John Romaniello (a trainer from New
York) and I were separated at birth. I'll explain below...

Now, if you receive any other fitness newsletters, you've
probably been bombarded with emails about John's new "Final Phase
Fat Loss" program today (I know I have! :)


And with good's an excellent program.

But back to the matter at hand...

I swear John is a long, lost brother of mine because our
training philosophies are almost reading through
his new program, almost everything jives with my own training,
and is actually pretty close in concept to my Metabolic Surge
program, in terms of cycling in different style of training to
keep fat loss moving (he's a big fan of Lactic Acid Training,
just to give an idea).

I'm not going to hype it up or anything, but from what I've been
reading, it's really good stuff and something I would give my
highest recommendation to because it's so similar to what I
perform and recommend myself on a daily basis.

Definitely VERY effective fat loss training, whether you've got
a lot to lose or just the last 5 lbs to get ripped.

And if you're a fan of my unique exercises, John is a fellow
"mad scientist" in the gym (see what I mean about being separated
at birth?) and has some really good stuff in the "Exercise
Library" package he's included with the book - even a couple I've
never thought of myself, that I'm going to "borrow"...

In fact, I like this program so much, I've decided to throw in a
"mad scientist" bonus of my own, in addition to what John is's "Classified Muscle Building...Abdominals." This
report is JAMMED with abdominal exercise to take the
ab exercises you're already doing and make them 10X more

You'll get this automatically when you pick up John's program
(I've got a cool, automated system that will send you the
download link right after you do that).

** Please note, this bonus is available ONLY when buy it through
this link in this email.



P.S. I'm going to be talking to John live in a phone interview
tomorrow at 1 pm EST, so if you've got time tomorrow, definitely
tune in. I'll be posting a recording of it if you don't, though.
I'll send the call-in information along tonight, as soon as I
have the conference set up.

Should be plenty of good info!

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