Subject: My "life-changing" reason (expires today)

This is a note from my good friend and partner, Dr. Kareem
Samhouri, regarding our new muscle-coaching program.


NOTICE: The Dr. Kareem Coaching Program with Master Trainers
Tim & Nick is closing down. Please be sure to decide today.


The reason I'm following up with you is because I'm concerned
you're on the fence and about to make the wrong move. I ge
t it -- a million different bills, huge expenses, college savings
for the children, home repairs, job issues, rising electric costs,
and a freakin' phone company that drives you crazy every time
you call because they overcharge you. I'm dealing with
something very similar, and it seems like every time I get
ahead another major expense pops up.

It's tiring, but we need to use wisdom when making financial decisions in order to get out of a rut and conquer today's challenges with
tomorrow's hope. We need to remember the energy we used
to have, think of what kind of shape we were in during those
times, and how unstoppable we felt. Instead of 'giving up'
and accepting "old age" well before your time, ask yourself
if you're really ready to quit on life.

For me, this is a pet-peeve -- I hear people say "oh well"
entirely too much. Complacency may feel good short-term,
but it's liable to haunt you every time you fall victim to
temptation. I've yet to meet someone in the hospital that
didn't wish they took better care of themselves; on the flip
side, people in great shape who have been in bad accidents
healed what appeared to be 10x faster than their counterparts.
You may not fully understand why you're conditioning your
body until you need it to help you survive -- it may be too late.

Forget the life or death situation for a moment, and let's go
back to the surface level issues that change your mood on a
daily basis:

  • How do you feel? Really, how does your body feel and function?
  • When's the last time you thought you might be getting too strong?
  • How long have you been 'talking about' doing something and
    not really committing?
  • Be real - and if you can promise, that's exactly what I want to
    hear -- but, will 'this time' be different?
  • Fast forward 10 years and let's say you waited, still have the
    same goal, but it's more critical. How much easier or harder
    do you think it's going to be?

These are the harsh reality questions I feel compelled to ask
you. Inaction is immoral from my perspective -- protect your
body, force it protect you back. It takes a few minutes per day,
not even every day of the week, and your whole world re-invents
itself into a better life -- when your body is at its best, often
times so is your brain, and so is your attitude.

One way or another, I want to be certain that we can stop
talking about you 'getting started' hitting your goals after this
week, and I'd like to move forward into conversations about
you actually hitting and exceeding your goals.

I remember when I knew I had it -- man, it hurt. I was this
close, but I overwhelmed with things to do. I barely had
enough time to train myself, was falling asleep headfirst in
my books several nights per week, and training clients
before and after grad school. This was a test of will -- barely
able to keep up with my living expenses, over-stimulated
and under-rested, preparing to take care of every future
patient and client I would see, and knowing that each detail
could make the difference for someone in the future. I hit
my goals -- I stand proud, and my life is 180 degrees from
what it would have been.

I can't even really imagine the alternative, but I assume it
would have been a compromise that would have led me
into a different career, I'd never be teaching you what I am
today, and I wouldn't have this undying belief system that
I can do anything. Yesterday's challenges have made me
impossibly stubborn in my persist and overcome any
challenge that comes my way -- I make the bold assumption
that health has helped me in more way than one.

Sometimes I wonder if nature was set up to bias those who
test themselves and attempt to evolve.

I say this with 100% humility and immense gratitude, for I
feel my life has become increasingly more fortunate the more
I've committed myself to overcoming challenges along the
way. Changing my body was neither the first nor last challenge
that has stumped has me, but I recognize it as the most
influential outcome to date -- my entire life is different because
I prioritized myself and got healthy, no matter how hard I had
to push.

My big lesson: I was only one decision away from getting lean
and feeling great.

I decide what's important for me, and I have to charge forward
with my goals. When I make the decision, I own it, and I
pursue. Apologize to yourself for nothing -- when you really
want something, do it, and convince yourself that short of
death, you'll get there. Fixate on your goal, seriously.

This is, and always has been, about YOU. We need to close
our doors to our coaching program very soon, and I want
you in -- you know if this is the right call, and you know what
to do. I trust you'll make the right decision:

Apply here --- No matter what, make a decision to live the
best version of your life.

Tim, Nick and I invite you to join us -- we've been overwhelmed
with both interest and positive feedback. You understand how
much effort we're putting into you and your ideal outcome, and we're really happy about that. Make sure you apply today if you're
ready to commit -- please don't wait, as we'll be on a very
strict schedule.

3 on 1 Dr. Kareem Coaching with Master Trainer Tim Application --- Game over. Slow muscle growth --- We're done with you.

Watch your body grow,

Kareem, Nick & Tim

PS - Did I mention how ridiculously good Tim is? Within 2
months of working at Global Fitness LLC, he was doing some
of the most advanced exercises I'd ever seen -- he progressed
from 'regular' movements and program design to 'amazing
exercises' that challenged multiple energy systems, more
muscles in his body, and more of each muscle. Ever since
then, Tim's been teaching everyone else how he did it, and
he's a blast to work with.

Couple this with the fact that I'd rate Master Trainer Tim as
one of the smartest and most capable Kinesiologists I've ever
met... and that was before I put him through 40 hours of
video coursework, and another 45 hours of intense *LIVE*
one-on-one personal training, where he had to train me, as
the client who could change form or circumstance at any
moment. Essentially, I simulated you, and every variety of
you. I protect my clients and patients by torchering my
trainers and therapists with the most intense certification,
meant only to pass through rigorous hours of dialogue
until there is a complete understanding of every detail -- I
take you that seriously.

More recently, we upgraded Tim's Master certification and
brought him on as our first Master Online Personal Trainer,
where I spewed info at him with another 40 hour live-training
course on how modify everything we do for the best outcome
with the online client. We covered topics like 'online cueing
for proper form with exercises,' 'organization of client
programming for ease-of-use,' and 'video-based personal
training from a distance,' amongst many others.

And, of course, there's Master Trainer Nick -- operating at a
level beyond other muscle coaches -- who invents a new
and more effective exercise every time he works out. Other
people show athletic interest and competitive spirit with
sports, while Nick's sport has and always will be working out
and building muscle. He knows his anatomy back and forth,
exercise physiology like a poet's vocabulary, and he possesses
a rare and unique drive to be the best he possibly can be.

When Nick and I were going through his master cert, we
flew by all of the 'normal' material being taught, and we
jumped right into how to apply advanced Physical Therapy
techniques (like muscle stimulation/relaxation, muscle pairs,
diagonal muscle patterns, attenuating rest periods, adaptation
principle, 'true' core training, body part development without
imbalance, etc.) to get your best possible outcome. To say
that this time was well spent would be an understatement --
Nick is legit, and he's the top muscle coach I can possibly
recommend to you. Nick can and will get you ridiculous results.

I leverage everything I know, and I teach it to the people I
feel have the most potential in the training field -- Tim & Nick
have proven themselves time and time again, so I humbly
introduce you to a new level of online training with 3 coaches
, instead of one:

Internet Health Just Got Better -- We Can Train You LIVE --- apply (super dope)

PPS - No pressure intended, but today is your last opportunity
to get in the coaching program -- we've never offered muscle
coaching before, and we want to be sure that Nick is well
adjusted to our team with plenty of time to adapt -- so there's
no telling when we're going to open back up. I'm really glad
that you've found the last few emails to be so motivating,
and I'm glad I've helped you get as far as you have. As a
Doctor of Physical Therapy, I'm never really satisfied until my
clients hit their goals.

I believe the human body to be resilient, and I haven't found
any proof to suggest otherwise.

We created this program to help you have 100% confidence
that you made a great investment and you can rely on
someone to help you get where you want with your health.
We're asking you to apply, because we created this for you.

I'm sending a HUGE e-hug to everyone who has already applied --- You're in good hands.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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