Subject: My four BEST fat-loss DIRT CHEAP price... (got me crazy inside)

Want to get lean and shredded for summer, while KEEPING your muscle mass and strength?

This is what you need to start doing NOW...

I've put together a killer package deal with four of my best fat-loss books, which I'll be running for the next four days

It'll be just 20 bucks for you to get ALL four of these...

(that link goes directly to the order page, just can read more about each book below)

To give you an idea of how well this stuff works, last summer at age 49 (lifetime natural, no TRT, either), using the workouts, exercises and dietary strategies in these books, I got this lean...

...while still maintaining mass and strength enough to deadlift 500+ lbs.

Here's what you'll get in the 4 book package...


1. Metabolic Monsters

If you're looking for amazing "single serving" metabolic conditioning and fat-loss workouts, you're going to love these.

I put these workouts together when I was training for Steve Austin's "Broken Skull Challenge" TV show back in 2015 (I almost made it on...I was an alternate).

For that show, you had to be strong, fast, lean and powerful... with endurance and agility to boot.

And the workouts I put together were phenomenally effective for getting ripped while keeping your muscle mass, strength and athletic performance.

I like to say it's kind of like science and Crossfit had a baby.

You can read more about it here.


2. Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

I actually retired this one not long ago...not because it was ineffective but because I needed to give it a facelift and update.

Well, I'll be straight up with you...I still haven't done that facelift yet. It's coming SOON, though.

But that's good news for YOU, because when you pick it up as part of this package, you'll be registered as an official customer so when I DO come out with the new version, you'll get it free.

This is a strategic, highly-targeted 36 day fat-loss program.

The training is specifically targeted to the nutrients that you're eating in the program...every single day is laid out in full detail so you know exactly what you're doing, every step of the way.

The results people have gotten from this program are nothing short of incredible (as in life-changing).

Check this out...


"Metabolic Surge is the most results-producing fat loss program I have ever used! I LOVE IT! I really do. I have tried many progams I have found online and in the mags and there is simply no camparison. I completed the first 36 day cycle with great results. I am on day 20 of my second cycle. I still have a way to go to get to 6-8% bodyfat but I have absolute confidence that Metabolic Surge will get me there.

I still have bodyfat hanging around my belly but the outline of a six-pack can be seen when I flex. I am much more muscular than ever before. The program is so easy to follow and that helps a great deal.

I want to get in the best most defined, conditioned shape of my life and I know that YOUR program, Metabolic Surge, can provide the way. I want to be honest with you Nick. I AM 59 YEARS OLD and I look better and more muscular than most of my much younger friends. The younger women are after me too!! Thank you God!!!! Ha Ha

Thank you Nick for everything. I am already in better shape after only one cycle than ever before and will go to even a higher level with Metabolic Surge. Thank You, Thank you, Thank You.

David Foat"

(I don't currently have a page for it up since I retired it but man, I really need to get on that update)



3. The Starting Monday Diet

This is my go-to "lifestyle" fat loss diet. I'm actually back on it right now and I've dropped about 12 lbs of JUST fat in the past month (I do body composition anaylsis regularly to track lean mass).

It's a weekly schedule that restarts every Monday, allowing you progressively more freedom as you go into the weekend (which is when most people blow it).

With the Starting Monday Diet, you never blow just start again on Monday...just like we're all programmed to do!

You can read more about it here... honestly, it's the easiest, most effective dietary strategy I've ever found.

I pair this one with Metabolic Monster workouts and the results are crazy good.



4. The Best Fat Loss Exercises

This book contains 52 of my most powerful metabolism-boosting exercises for every major muscle group.

These exercises are all about cranking up your fat-burning engine by giving you the most bang for your buck, timewise.

You can see 5 sample exercises from it here.


The Package Deal...

Normally, these books purchased separately would cost around $60...

Right now, you can get all four for just $20 when you click here (this goes directly to the check out page).

If you want to get lean FAST, this package is exactly what you need.

I'll be running this sale until Thursday at midnight, so you've got time to check out the books - no pressure.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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