Subject: My fat-loss recipe for Mad Scientist Breakfast Tacos...(it's awesome)

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not much of a cook. That being
said, what I DO have is a killer recipe that I came up with
myself for a seriously good fat-burning breakfast.

So here's how to make "Mad Scientist Breakfast Tacos"...


6 whole eggs
1 tsp grass-fed butter (Kerrygold is a good brand)
a pinch of sea salt


Step 1 - Cracks eggs
Step 2 - Cook them

Use the butter to grease the pan and the sea salt to put on top.

Welcome to the future...

So yeah, as you can see, not much of a cook.

What this IS, however, is a very smooth segue into what I KNOW
you'll really enjoy...and that is a REAL fat-loss recipe book
from my friends Karine Losier and Dave Ruel.

If you're interested in learning about this recipe book (and just
fyi, they do have it on sale right now for less than half price)
definitely go to their site right now to get all the info.

And yeah, while my ideas of recipes are pretty basic, these
guys REALLY know what they're doing in the kitchen and can
help you cook great-tasting fat-loss meals like a boss.

Check out Metabolic Cooking 2.0 here...

Nick Nilsson

The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

P.P.S. No tacos were harmed (or actually made) in the making
of this breakfast.

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