Subject: My fat-loss recipe HORROR stories...

From Nick Nilsson

Okay, so first off, I never claimed to be a great cook...

My contribution to the culinary world is limited, at best, and a
string of disturbing horror stories (which I'm going to share
with you) at worst.

You see, I know a lot about training (and I'm always still
learning), but cooking was NEVER my thing I don't anticipate it
EVER being my thing.

So when it comes to fat-loss recipes, I believe referring you to
people who actually know what they're doing in the kitchen AND in
the gym is definitely the best way to go :)

That's my friends Dave Ruel and Karine Losier.

Their new cookbook "Metabolic Cooking" is EXACTLY what you need
if you want to learn some tasty recipes that you can use to keep
your metabolism roaring while you're on basically ANY fat-loss
program (including my Metabolic Surge program)

It's just launched now (52% off discount) and you can check it
out here:


I can fully admit that cooking reveals a gap in my knowledge
(yeah, a gap in the way that the Grand Canyon is a gap) and I
want you to know that Dave and Karine have my full trust when it
comes to cooking and recipes.

This is quality info and well worth picking up a copy of if
you're keen for variety and actual TASTE in your food when eating
for fat-loss!



My Fat-Loss Recipe Horror Stories

So I figured what better way to make that Metabolic Cooking book
look even better to you than by telling you what your fate could
be if I wrote that book :)

Fair warning, it's not going to be pretty...

Horror Story #1 - Tuna and Ceral

This is the most vomitorious of the recipes I've ever tried. I
was bored one day and was looking for a way to increase the
protein content of my Mini-Wheats. So naturally, dumping a can of
tuna into it was the way to go.

Really, really, really bad.

Horror Story #2 - Dry Potatoes and Canned Chicken Meat With
Accidental Cinnamon

So here's me thinking that I wanted to keep the fat content of
this meal down so I didn't add any butter to the potatoes and
cooked them up really good in the microwave (which basically
burns all the moisture right out of them). Great start.

Then I figured what better way to add moisture than by opening a
can of chicken directly onto the potatoes. Yep, sounding more and
more delicious.

Then in my infinite wisdom and skill, I figured, let's throw on a
little something spicy for flavor...some chili powder...which, of
course, turned out to be cinnamon, which of course is just gross
on canned chicken and dry potatoes.

But I ate it anyway because I was hungry and too lazy to make
something else...

Horror Story# 3 - Kitchen Sink Dessert

This actually has a double meaning to it...First, I put in
everything BUT the kitchen sink. Second, it all ENDED UP in the
kitchen sink by the time I tasted it.

I started with soem melted-down fat-free chocolate ice
cream...then some vanilla extract, then some red Jello mix, then
graham crackers, then a little cinnamon (on purpose this time),
then a little more cinnamon, then way too much cinnamon, then
some skim milk, then something else that I can't remember anymore
but probably should've left out.

Then I mixed it all up in the bowl and tasted it.

It was like getting smacked in the face with a sour
chocolate-covered cinnamon cracker brick. Not nice. And that's
where part 2 of the kitchen sink came into play.

Horror Story #4 - Bacon Fat Sculpture

When I first started using Low-Carb diets many years ago, I
realized I actually quite liked bacon. And I ended up eating it
WAY too much. Heck, low-carb I can get away with it, right?

Well, from a nutritional standpoint, it's obviously not the best.
I very rarely ever eat it anymore. But back then (and this was
about 15 years ago when I was in University), I was eating it

Until the day I moved out of the apartment I was living in when
the school year was done...

I always cooked the bacon in the microwave thinking that hey,
it's a self-contained box. Even it spatters a bit, I just clean
out the inside and we're good to go.

Then I went to pack up my microwave...I lifted it up and there
underneath it was an inch-thick layer of bacon fat congealed onto
the counter with neat little holes where the feet of the
microwave were and grill pattern from the bottom of the

Evidently microwaves AREN'T fully sealed up and bacon fat WILL
find it's way out...and form art.


So THAT is why I recommend you buy a cookbook written by somebody
other than me...


Although I have to say, when I first met my wife (she wasn't my
wife at the time, though) and was talking to her on the phone
while making dinner, I did impress her one day when I told her I
was making Cajun fish for dinner for myself.

...impressed her until I kept talking and said "yep, they're
frozen...just need to open up the package and throw them in the


P.S. To give you even MORE incentive to pick up this cookbook,
I'm going to also throw in a special bonus of my own...when you
pick up Metabolic Cooking through the special tracking links in
this email (and ONLY these links), I'll kick in a copy of my book
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

This book has 77 insanely good ab exercises that'll help you show
off your new body once you put these recipes to work. Just
forward your receipt to and we'll hook you


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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