Subject: My exact diet plan for how I eat to stay lean and strong...

So not too long ago, I completely changed
up my whole approach to eating...

I wanted to stay lean while still consistently building
muscle and strength and improving my training performance...

And I also wanted it to be EASY (because honestly, I'm
pretty useless in the kitchen).

Having a big breakfast of half a dozen eggs, oatmeal, fruit,
etc. was just not getting it done anymore. I would end up
feeling stuffed and sluggish for most of the day, not to
mention all the time it took me to prepare and eat all that

I did some digging, did some research, did some
experimenting...and came up with a very simple plan that
works great for me.

- I DON'T eat small, frequent meals throughout the day...I
eat 3 meals at the most...sometimes 2.

- I DON'T stuff myself silly at each meal to try and pack
a lot of calories in.

- I DON'T limit myself to only a few select "clean" foods...I
eat healthy most of the time, don't get me wrong...but I
don't stress about "cheat" foods every now and again
and I still get the results I'm looking for.

Here's the plan...and keep in mind, I'm not a nutritionist...
this is just what I do and it works for me..and it might work
for YOU.

Meal 1 - Breakfast

Eat it anytime before noon...doesn't have to be first
thing in the morning. Your metabolism won't shut down
because you don't eat immediately upon waking. I usually
have breakfast by about 11 am, even though I'm for hours
before that.

For that meal, I eat half a dozen whole eggs, over easy...
(cooked so the yolks are still runny...better for you that
way) and a three teaspoons of chia seeds.


This is what keeps my energy levels consistent. It doesn't
bloat meal me up like a giant bowl of oatmeal or cereal
and it's fast and easy to make. Not eating carbs also
teaches your body how to burn fat for energy, which pays
off when trying to keep lean.

Bottom line...even if eggs aren't your thing, a small meal
of protein and healthy fats is what we're looking for here.
Skip the cereal and PLEASE skip the juice.

Meal 2 - Lunch

Small meal here. I start adding a few carbs in so that I'll
have some available for when I train late afternoon/early

This is a lower-fat meal, eating a lean protein source, a
small amount of starchy carbs and some veggies or fruit.
It'll be something like a can of tuna or some chicken,
some brown rice or toast, and some raw broccoli, carrots
or snap peas.

I usually eat this at about 1:30 to 2 pm or so....keep it
light and keep it lean.

Meal 3 - Dinner

My sister jokes that I eat like an alligator. I eat little meals
in the day then a giant monster meal for dinner, then I'm
done for like 14 hours.

And believe me, when I say I eat a lot, I'm not making that
up. I've won contests and bets going back to when I was
11 years old :).

You don't have to eat to this extent, but just know that it IS
possible to eat plenty of food at night, and stay lean, as
long as you compensate with reduced caloric intake the
rest of the's your 24-HOUR caloric intake that
matters most.

And yep, I have dessert...I enjoy what I eat...and I stay
lean and strong, and build muscle easily, even at 40 years

This eating pattern has worked GREAT for me for quite
a few months now.


So obviously, this approach is just pretty much just a
skeleton...there's not enough room in just an email to lay
out all the research and theory behind why I've structured
it this way.

The cool thing is (and it's the reason I wrote this email!),
I actually just found out about an hour ago, that a friend
and colleague of mine, Daniel Woodrum, put together a
whole book on this exact approach.

He calls it "The Big Dinner Diet."

I've been insanely busy and I didn't even know he was
doing it but when I got an email from him talking about the
program, I thought "Dang, this is EXACTLY how I'm eating
right now and I know it works. I need to let people in on this."

We must have been reading the same research because
his program is pretty near the EXACT approach I've been
taking with my own diet for the past 6 months or so...and
yeah, it works. I can tell you that from experience.

He goes into much greater detail on the science behind
it and how you can implement this eating pattern, but
bottom line, if what I described to you above sounds
interesting, this is a book you're going to want to pick up.

Personally, I love this approach...for me, it's been the
easiest and most effective eating pattern I've used in my
entire 24+ years of training. Definitely recommend it.

Check out the Big Dinner Diet here and learn how to
eat to stay lean while building muscle and strength...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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