Subject: My "duct tape" trick for a flatter stomach...

So if I gave you a roll of duct tape and said "use this to make your stomach flatter" what would you do?

(And don't say put a piece of duct tape over your mouth ;).

Would you take pieces of tape, stick them to your lower ribcage then run them lengthwise down your stomach to your inner thighs?

Or would you wrap that tape AROUND your waist like a corset?

You'd wrap the tape around your waist for sure. That's a no-brainer.


And that tells us why crunches and sit-ups CAN'T and WON'T flatten your stomach.

The fibers of the six-pack abs (rectus abdominis), that crunches and sit-ups work, run lengthwise from your rib cage down to the pelvis like in the first example.

You need to use exercises that work the DEEP muscles of the midsection...the obliques and the transverse abdominis.

These are the muscles that sit underneath the six-pack abs and wrap around your core like a back brace or corset.

You tighten up those, you tighten up your waist and you flatten your stomach.

Simple as that.


So what exercises work those muscles?

Anything that has an anti-rotation component can be effective for working those deep muscles. This means exercises where the abs have to work AGAINST rotation so that your upper body doesn't rotate to either side.

For example, imagine holding your arms straight out in front of you, then having somebody else push sideways against your arms while you try to keep your upper body from turning.

THAT is anti-rotation.

There are a ton of these types of exercises you can do.

You'll find some of the best ones HERE...

These are the effective exercises you need to work those deep core muscles that actually WILL flatten your stomach.

When you work these "corset muscles," they automatically tighten up your waist and flatten your stomach...they can even help improve your back pain by giving you an "internal back support brace."

If you want to flatten your stomach fast, in the privacy of your own home, using EASY exercises that you won't even have to break a sweat with, click here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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