Subject: My dog threw up last night...(and yes, this DOES tie into fitness)

This is a quick lesson about training and what to do about it when life happens...

These are my three dogs...Sam (nearest) then Shadow, then Sasha on the right...all waiting patiently for a treat :). And as any dog owner knows, they're like your kids...just a little hairier.

So Shadow was diagnosed with Leptosporosis a few weeks ago, which is a serious bacterial infection that can be fatal if not caught soon enough. Our other two dogs had to go on the same treatment, just to be sure they didn't get sick from it, too. So we've been worried sick about him for weeks.

And last night poor Sam had a violent seizure (he's epileptic) at 3 am and could potentially have another one this afternoon (called a cluster).

And yesterday, Sasha (we think) ate some garbage on the ground during her walk and she started throwing up all night.

They all seem to be doing ok right now and we're hoping they'll be doing better here today.

But believe me, after all that and no sleep, training is the LAST thing on my mind right now. So I'm taking the day off...and won't feel a bit of guilt about it.


There are times when life beats you down but training IS something that you should do and actually WANT to do...for stress relief, mental health, and just to keep the habit going.

Those are the times when bodyweight training is key...and when it's important to know how to get in a fast, efficient workout so that you don't contribute to the stress by killing yourself in the gym.

Heck, you may not even feel like leaving the house...which is when bodyweight training is perfect.

If you find that training helps you deal with stress like this, and are looking for a good program option, my friend and colleague Dennis Heenan has just released a new bodyweight program called "SuperHero Body...Bodyweight Edition".

Ordinarily, I'd give you a bit more of a rundown of what the program is all about but today I'm pretty much just going to flop on the couch today and keep an eye on my pups here, so that'll happen tomorrow :).

In the meantime, if you are interested in an excellent bodyweight program, I can highly recommend Dennis' stuff. I've met him in person and he's a really knowledgeable guy. I also got a chance to read through the program before all this happened so I know it's good.

Train with no equipment, even when life comes at you hard using SuperHero Body...Bodyweight Edition

More tomorrow!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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