Subject: My best SIMPLE advice for fat-loss training...

If you want to lose fat, there are just a few
simple things you need to know...

...and these are pretty simple, but sometimes you just need to
see them spelled out in order for them to makes sense.

1. Do Short Workouts

When you're in a state of caloric deprivation, your body has
limited recovery resources. You need to keep the workouts
short so you don't beat yourself down too much....20 to 30
minutes (or even less) of EFFECTIVE training is perfect.

2. Take Very Little Rest Between Sets

Ideally, you want to be moving almost the entire time you're
training. The key thing is, you want to structure your training
so that it's not overly fatiguing any single area of your body
and compromising your strength and power. This means 20
to 30 seconds rest between sets or potentially even NO rest
at all.

3. Lift Heavy Things

In order to maintain muscle mass, you need to keep up with
relatively heavy training. You've gotta give your body a reason
to hold onto muscle mass...otherwise, it actually prefers to
drop it over fat (because muscle "costs" calories to maintain
and fat really doesn't).

4. Keep the Intensity High

I'm not saying you CAN'T do any low-intensity training...just
don't focus on it, or think that it's going to get you the results
you're looking for. To burn fat fast, you NEED to get the
intensity level up...but you also don't need to kill yourself
every time, either.


Now, if you're interested in an effective fat-loss training
program that includes all these factors, I would recommend
you have a look at Shawna Kaminski's "Challenge Fat Loss"
system (on sale for cheap this week).

It consists of short (20 minutes or less), smartly-designed,
low-rest training sessions that include weights and intense
cardio to get the greatest fat-burning effect for your time and

Shawna knows what she's doing...she's 51 years old and in
WAY better shape than most people half her age (seriously).

This VERY effective stuff and definitely a fat-loss program
that gets top marks from me.

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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