Subject: My apologies! Important info about your Gluteus to the Maximus purchase

First off, thank you for picking up my Gluteus to the Maximus
program! I really appreciate it!

I have to apologize as (apparently due to brain damage on my part :)
the download link for the PC version of the book was still
pointing to the OLD version of the book and not the new one that
I just put together!

If you got the PDF files that were below, than you've got
everything and there's nothing you need to do. So no worries there.

If you downloaded the PC version, you have the old version of
the book and should go back to the download page (the link is in
your receipt email from me) and pick that new version up.

If your link has expired, please email my support person Nichole
(she's going to love me for this :) at...

She'll get that timer reset and the link resent to you if you need it.

My apologies again for the trouble!


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