Subject: My abs are STILL sore after 5 days... try at your own risk...

This one was an eye-opener for me... my abs haven't been this sore in YEARS.

I actually got a PUMP in my six-pack abs after doing a few sets of this one.

To do this exercise, you'll need a few things...a low pulley and ab slings, or a couple of bands with decent resistance to them....and a rolled-up towel.

I call this one Anti-Janda Sit-Ups...

Not because Jandas are bad but because this uses a different set of muscles to achieve increased tension and activation in the six-pack abs.

Try this one...give it a day or two...then let me know how you feel... (seriously...I want to hear about it!).

I've got SIX more killer core exercises for you to test out here as well, if this one doesn't completely finish you off...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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