Subject: My Lifetime All-Book Deal...your questions answered...

So because my Lifetime, All-Book deal expires tonight at midnight, I wanted to help answer any questions you might have about it.

Or if you're ready to get it, click here now!


Question #1 - Do I REALLY get every single one of your books?

Yep, absolutely. I've currently got 32 books in the package...all the ones I've got active right now and even a few that I've "retired" over the past few years and don't actually have for sale anymore.


Question #2 - And do I really get every NEW one that you're going to come out with in the future as well? For no extra charge?

You get every new book I write and you won't pay another dime!

I wanted to make this such a no-brainer deal that it just makes total sense to jump on it. I've run this deal a few times and every single person who picked it up has gotten all my new books for free.


Question #3 - What if I don't need every single book in the package?

I'll be straight up with you...there is a TON of info in these books and it's very likely not all of it will apply to you.

That being said, the price is SO low and the amount of stuff that WILL be useful to you will more than make up for any of the books that you may not have an interest in.


Question #4 - What's the best way to use all these programs and exercises?

It depends completely on the goals you have for yourself and your training.

I've got everything from muscle-building to fat loss to strength and conditioning covered.

For example, Metabolic Monsters is a collection of killer conditioning workouts, that you can use whenever you like and are not set up in a particular program.

Metabolic Surge is a fat-loss program that is scheduled right down to the details...including what types of nutrients you'll eat to get best results out of the particular training styles you'll be doing.

And if you want to build muscle, my Muscle Explosion program can put on a quick 5-10 lbs of lean mass while jacking up your strength so much you won't even believe results like that are possible (I literally had a guy add 120 lbs to his deadlift in a's insane).

And I'm ALWAYS happy to help you with any questions you have as to when to use which program!


Question #5 - Why is the price so low?

I know inflation is crazy right now and things are starting to cost a lot more than they used to.

I want to make sure you've got affordable access to a TON of effective training information now and in the future...

...which is why I'm including all my new books in the deal as well!


Question #6 - What format are these books in?

All the books are ebook, available in PDF format. This means you can read them on a PC, a Mac, or just about mobile device you've got (they all should read PDF files).

The videos are all mobile-friendly as well, meaning you can watch them on your phone right before you use them in the gym.

And while I do have hard copies of almost all of my books available, the printing and shipping costs mean I would have to charge a LOT more for this package deal. EBooks are by far the fastest and most economical way to go.


Question #7 - Will you be available if I have any questions about any of these books or programs?

For sure - I'm always here to help!

I love talking about this stuff and I love helping people get more out of their training using my exercises and methods.

Just hit "reply" to any of my emails and fire away! I'll get back to you ASAP.

You can also hit me up on my Facebook page or Instagram as well.


That's all for now!

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

In the meantime, if you're ready to go, click here now to pick up your Lifetime, All-Book, All-Access Pass now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. You are receiving this email because you signed up for emails at, or you purchased one of my products. If you no longer wish to receive fitness and training info like this, you can instantly unsubscribe by clicking here.

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