Subject: My BEST fat-burning circuit yet...(all you need is ONE dumbbell to do it!)

This circuit is the ULTIMATE in training efficiency...a total-body workout with 6 exercises using ONE dumbbell.

You'll go straight from one exercise directly into the next with ZERO rest...which is easy to do because you will NEVER let go of the dumbbell the whole way through.

This circuit takes ZERO setup time and only about 6 square feet of floor space, making it perfect for home gym or CROWDED gym training.

I'll go through the exercises, then I'll tell you exactly WHY this circuit is setup the way it is.


Exercise 1 - One Dumbbell "Goblet" Push Press - anterior-dominant explosive overhead lift - 4-6 reps

First pick up the dumbbell with both hands on the handle.

Set it on end on your thigh then get your hands under the top set of plates (this is a 105 lb dumbbell). In terms of weight, this exercise should be the "load limiting" exercise, meaning the dumbbell you pick should be based on getting 4-6 reps with this one...everything else will follow.

Now stand up and start in the "goblet" position. Squat down a bit.

The push the dumbbell up and overhead.

When doing this exercise, my recommendation is to pause briefly at the top, lower the dumbbell down, then bend your knees into the partial squat again before using elastic energy to rebound and push-press the weight back up again.

Remember, this is a power movement...don't try to strict press...use your legs to help power the weight up.

When you've done as many reps as you can, stop the press at the bottom and hold in the goblet position and go directly to...


Exercise 2 - Goblet Squats - 4-6 reps

Hold the dumbbell under the top set of plates, in front of your chest.

Then squat down.

That's it!

This exercise will target your legs and your frontal core support muscles (and arms and shoulders).

On the final rep, rest the dumbbell on end on your knee at the bottom then switch your grip from palms under the top plates to fingers gripping under the top plates,

Which leads directly to...


Exercise 3 - Single Vertical Dumbbell Rows 15-20+ reps

This is a very close grip row which I find really targets the "inner"back muscles strongly.

Then, keeping that same grip, stand up then go directly into...


Exercise 4 - Single Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 4-6 reps.

Even though the weight is light, your glutes and lower back are already pre-exhausted from the previous exercises. The hams are basically on their own for this one, so it's very effective even with that relatively light dumbbell.

When done, set the dumbbell on end on the ground and set your hands on top and do...


Exercise 5 - On-Dumbbell Push-Ups - 15-20+ reps

This is basically a close-grip push-up. Set your hands so that you're gripping partially on the SIDES of the dumbbell, not just setting them on top. This forces inwards tension onto the pecs in addition to the triceps for pushing up.

When done, bring your feet back beside the dumbbell, stand up and go directly into...


Exercise 6 - Dumbbell Swings - 6-8 reps.

Done exactly like a kettlebell swing only using fingers gripping under the top db plates. This is a posterior-chain dominant explosive exercise.

And you're done!


Now, allow me to explain the beauty of this circuit...

...beyond just using a single dumbbell to hit your whole body in about 6 square feet of floor space (if that)!

Every exercise is matched with an antagonistic movement "book-end" to keep your body in balance.

These are the push-press and the dumbbell swing...the goblet squat and the stiff-leg deadlift...the row and the push-ups. As well, the rep ranges roughly match each in these pairings.

The order of these exercises shifts focus alternating upper body and lower body to minimize localized fatigue so your performance stays relatively high (similar to PHA or Peripheral Heart Action training originated by Bob Gajda where the idea is basically to "move" bloody supply around the body via targeting widely different areas of the body in successive sets...the end goal of which is increasing metabolic demands on the body).

And it flat-out WORKS.

After the first round, I was naturally I did 5 more rounds (2-3 minutes rest in between).

I recommend doing 3-5 rounds of this....and depending on the weight you're using, you may only need 2 minutes rest, or you may need 3 minutes in order to maintain performance levels.

Give this one a try...I think you'll like it! It's very time-efficient and easily adjustable to whatever your training level is just by adjusting the dumbbell weight.

You can see the full video of this circuit on my YouTube Channel here.


One More Thing...

I also wanted to let you know that time is ticking down to pick up a copy of Ryan Hughes "Muscle Matrix" program for $50 off the regular price.

As well, he's also throwing in a copy of a special report he put together called "Cover Model Secrets...Last Minute Behind-The-Scenes Strategies Fitness Models Use to Get Ripped Before a Shoot"

If you have any special events or anything else you want to look your best for, this is a great primer on how to maximize your condition in a very short period of time.

Learn more about the Muscle Matrix program here...

Video Presentation

Web Page

I still have the interview I did with Ryan a few days ago available for download here (MP3 file)

As well, here's the full detailed review I did of the Muscle Matrix program (helpful for learning exactly what it's all about).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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