Subject: My 46th Birthday Sale! Get 5 of my best programs for...

...just 46 bucks!

So today is my birthday (46) and I thought what better way to celebrate then to have a sale on my best training programs!

Click here to go get this killer birthday package deal now.

(yes, this is what I'll be having for dinner...)

I'm going to also include links to the main pages for each below, so you can see what they're all about...just be sure and use the package purchase link to get the sale price.

So for 46 bucks, you'll get:


1. Metamorphosis (reg $35)

Your genetic limitations are NOT can change your underlying physiology, through the targeted training in this program, to set your body up for MASSIVE increases in muscle mass, even if you haven't gained anything in years.

This program is, quite honestly, one of the most amazing programs I've ever put together. It's tough and challenging but it has the potential to help you rebuilding your physique from the inside out.

The training styles you'll find in this program contain many of the secrets that I've used in the past 30 years of training to do all the crazy things I do and be pretty much unbreakable.


2. Muscle Explosion (reg $25)

Gain up to 10 pounds of muscle in just 28 days. Not exagerrating.

This program will push you to your limits using nutritional and training techniques to slingshot your body and literally FORCE muscle growth. It becomes a matter of "grow or die."

In addition to muscle mass, the strength gains I've seen in people using this program are absolutely ridiculous...I had one person put 90 POUNDS on their deadlift after the second week of training.


3. Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss (reg $25)

Get ripped without losing ANY muscle mass or fact, you will likely GAIN muscle and strength.

Every single day of this program is strategic. Over the course of 36 days, you'll drop fat faster than you ever believed possible.

The program is based on Macronutrient Rotation where you will rotate protein, carbs and fats in and out of your diet while using training targeted to the exact nutrients you're eating.

I've never seen anything peel stubborn fat off people like this program does.


4. Metabolic Monsters (reg $15)

If you love brutally horrible conditioning workouts, you're going to LOVE these ones.

This book is packed with 75 of my favorite metabolic conditioning workouts that will not only rip the fat off you, they'll develop INSANE levels of conditioning and performance.

I will even show you how to use these workouts in conjunction with the Metabolic Surge nutritional program to get even FASTER results.


5. Two Block Mass (not yet released - value $25)

This is a killer customizeable muscle-building program that I currently only offer in conjunction with Metamorphosis.

It utilizes the principle of Controlled Overtraining to deliver long-term gains muscle mass and strength.

There are four blocks of "overtraining" high-volume workouts for muscle growth that you pair with four other blocks of "intensifying" workouts that target strength and recovery.

You get to choose which "muscle blocks" you want to pair with which "strength blocks" customize your own growth blueprint based on training YOU want to do.



These programs would normally be $125'll get them ALL for just $46.

  • Metamorphosis
  • Muscle Explosion
  • Metabolic Surge
  • Metabolic Monsters
  • Two Block Mass

Click here to get all five of these programs for just $46 now.

This offer will be available only until TOMORROW (Oct 8th) at midnght PST. Then it's gone, so don't miss out!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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