Subject: My 3-day joint healing/strengthening protocol...

This is a protocol that I've used with great success for improving joint pain and strengthening connective tissue.

This training involves targeted compression and decompression on the joints.

This training is're going to support a weight for a set amount of time to allow the compression to squeeze fluid out of the joints, then use targeted "dead hangs" to decompress the joint, which is going to "pull" fluid back into the joints.

One of the key things to note is that these are NOT "isometric" holds... the goal is to actually minimize muscle activation so that the JOINTS and bones are supporting the load.

These are static hold SUPPORTS.

And, as I mentioned yesterday, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you take structural nutritional supplements before each of these workouts so that when you're pulling fluid back into the joints, you're literally BATHING the joint in structural nutrients.

That means taking collagen and Vitamin C about 30-40 minutes before.

This is an absolutely CRITICAL part of the protocol.

Without providing these nutrients, you'll get some benefits because of the increased circulation, but it'll be a fraction of what you'll get WITH these nutrients being available in the exact areas they're needed for repair.

It would be like sending workers to fix a brick wall but not giving them any bricks to work with.

If you're going to go through the process of doing this protocol, you should be taking these.


Here's the three day protocol.

Choose one or two static hold exercises (I'll show you a couple below).

On the first day, we'll be aiming for 3 minutes under load per set followed by 3 minutes rest.

You'll do this for 3 sets total, giving you a total of 9 minutes of Time Under Load for each exercise.

On the second day, you'll be doing 2 minutes under load per set for 4 sets with 2 minutes rest between sets. This gives you 8 minutes of Time Under Load.

On the third day, you'll be doing 9 sets of 1 minute under load, with 1 minute rest between sets. This gives you 9 minutes of Time Under Load.

Simply put...

Day 1 - 3 x 3 min sets with 3 minutes rest
Day 2 - 4 x 2 min sets with 2 minutes rest
Day 3 - 9 x 1 min sets with 1 minute rest


Start your workout with this protocol, targeting the joints that you want to strengthen/heal.

Here are a couple of exercises to work with that cover the majority of your joints.


1. Squat Supports for Spine, Hips, Knees and Ankles

This is just holding the top lockout position of a squat.

I'm using a Manta Ray to make the hold more comfortable and prevent the bar from rolling. You'll be able to use a lot more weight using something like this but it's not 100% necessary.

Alternatively, you can use a safety squat bar for this as well.


2. Lockout Close Grip Bench Press For Shoulders, Elbows, and Wrists

Grip the bar at shoulder width so that your joints are stacked vertically (wrists, elbows and shoulders all in a vertical line).

This ensures that your JOINTS are taking the load, not your muscles. We actually want as LITTLE muscle activation as possible with these holds.

Normal grip-width bench presses will involve the pecs too much and limit your time under load due to muscle fatigue.

During the rest periods, you'll use a decompression "dead hang" from a chin-up bar (for 10 to 15 seconds at a time) to unload the connective tissue and allow fluid to get pulled into the connective tissue.

This puts decompressive traction on the target joints to oppose the compressive force that the static hold/support placed on them.

The idea is to literally FORCE more blood and fluid into the connective tissue by using weight to first compress it and squish the fluid OUT.

Then the decompressive traction will "pull" fluid BACK into the joint and connective tissue, like pulling back on the stopper of a syringe.

This is a highly effective way to force circulation through your stubborn connective tissue to help speed repair, growth and regeneration....very much like a bellows that pulls air in then blows it out, or like a hydraulic piston.


Some notes on technique...

1. If you can't make the full time of the set (e.g. you get to 2 minutes on a 3 minute set), put the weight down, rest 10 seconds, then keep going until your time is up.

2. Use a timer to time your sets and rest periods to keep them consistent.

3. Use lighter weight on the 3 minute holds and go progressively heavier on the shorter holds. Start lighter than you think you'll need to on Day 1 (trust me) until you get an idea of what you can do.

4. Try to relax under the load as much as you can and allow the joints to take the brunt of the weight. Minimize muscle contraction as much as you can.


Repeat the protocol on Day 2 and 3 using the guidelines above.

These workouts can be but don't have to be on consecutive days...they can be done over the course of a week, (e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday), if you prefer.


That's my Connective Tissue Strength Protocol!

In my upcoming book "Return to Prime" I have an entire training phase dedicated to connective tissue training.

This protocol is awesome and highly effective...and there is a LOT more we can do to build serious connective tissue strength.

Again, if you're serious about trying this protocol, get those structural nutrients in before the workout to maximize the effectiveness.

If you do use the protocol, let me know if you have any questions about it (I've used it a lot) and definitely let me know what kind of results you get with it.!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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