Subject: My #1 workout for burning fat as fast as humanly possible?

While getting it done in 25 minutes or less?

I call it Fat-Loss Circuit Training.

Fat-Loss Circuit Training is a training technique designed around the concept of circuit training…moving from one exercise to another with very little rest between exercises. But Fat-Loss Circuit Training has a couple of very unique twists that will help really peel the fat off your body FAST.

It’s also one of the core components of my “Metabolic Surge – Rapid Fat Loss” program, which I'm going to be retiring later this week (and I have knocked the price down to $10!).

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Surge.

I've also got a package deal with that program and my Metabolic Monster book available here for $20):

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Monsters.


Fat-Loss Circuit Training is very simple once you get the hang of it, but it can be one of the most demanding styles of training you can do.

This is a training technique that you can not only feel working WHILE you’re training but very strongly AFTER your training session is done…many people report actually FEELING their metabolism increasing for hours afterwards (like their internal thermostat has been kicked up several degrees).

Now, if you’re familiar with normal circuit training (with timed, light-weight intervals), please put aside any notions you might have of how this program works. You will not only be harnessing the muscle-building and metabolism-stimulating power of intense, full-set weight training (NOT the typical light-weight, timed intervals of normal circuit training), you will also be incorporating the great calorie-burning effects of cardiovascular training at the same time.

This unique combination of weights and cardio into one workout is, quite simply, phenomenal for fat burning.

In order to use Fat-Loss Circuit Training, you will need access to both weight equipment and cardio equipment (and/or benches or stairs), preferably located fairly close to each other.

This type of training is a little more tricky to perform in a crowded gym as it will involve you moving back and forth quickly between different pieces of equipment. If someone is waiting to use your cardio machine the moment you step off, it will defeat the purpose of the workout. This technique is best used in a fairly uncrowded gym where you have more freedom to use equipment or, better yet, in a home gym with weights and cardio equipment and no one waiting for anything!

Just fyi, if you DO train in a crowded gym, I will tell you exactly how to get around it so you can put this style of training to work as well.

How Fat-Loss Circuit Training Works:

This style of training is simple… your rest period for weights will be cardio and your rest period for cardio will be your weights. You will be going back and forth between your weight training exercises and cardio exercise for the duration of the workout!

Yes, that means pretty much NO rest the entire time you’re in the gym…I told you it was going to be demanding! But the good thing about this style of training is that it can very easily be adjust for ANY level of trainer – I’ve had complete beginners use it without any problems.

Now, this particular combination of weights and cardio is very effective for a number of reasons:

  • It forces your body to burn calories continuously during the workout.
  • It utilizes resistance training and cardio training so you get all the benefits of both in one workout.
  • By forcing your body to work like this, you dramatically increase your metabolism leading to increased fat burning long after the workout (more so than either weights or cardio alone).
  • It saves time – you get both your weights and cardio in the same amount of time as your regular workout.
  • You will still be able to use relatively heavy weights in your weight training, helping to preserve muscle mass.

How To Do Fat-Loss Circuit Training:

Step 1 – The Set Up

For the most efficient workout possible, try to have most or all of your exercises pre-set and ready to go. The less time you spend on preparation during your workout itself, the more effective that workout will be, especially since you want to be continually active throughout the training session. You can use any type of cardio that is convenient and enjoyable to you, be it a machine, stair stepping, or even a skipping rope.

If you are working out in a crowded gym, try to claim an area for yourself and focus on dumbell and barbell exercises while using a Step platform for your cardio training. You won’t have to wait in line to use any weight or cardio machines that way.

If you don’t have access to convenient cardio machines, you’re going to have to go low-tech!

You’ll need to do stair-stepping (stepping up two stairs then back down works well), bench-stepping (step up onto a flat bench or Step platform then back down) or rope-jumping (be sure you’re not close to anyone if you choose this). These approaches work just as well as (if not better than!) cardio machines and allow you to perform this training style in a busier gym setting.

Step 2 – Warm-up

Do a few minutes of low-intensity cardio as a warm-up. You may wish to do a few light sets of a few of the exercises you’ll be working with before you start into the main training session. Don’t tire yourself out…just get a light sweat going.

Step 3 – Start with 40 seconds of moderate intensity cardio.

This could be setting the machine to a level that is not easy but is not so challenging that you’re going to exhaust yourself right away. Watch the timer on your machine and go for approximately 40 seconds (I say approximately because there will generally be a slight lag time when you step on and off).

If you are using a machine such as a treadmill or stair machine that you will leave on with the timer running, just watch the time counter on the machine and keep track of when you get on it to get the designated period. It may require a little mental math! You can also use your own stopwatch or timer on your watch to keep track (this is easier). Start the timer when you start the cardio.

If you’re doing stair or bench stepping, you’ll need a timer or view of a clock with the “second” hand visible to keep track of your work periods.

Step 4 – Do a set of weights.

Right after you finish your first “set” of cardio, go as quickly as you can to your first exercise. Do a set of the first exercise on your program for the day. Do this with NO rest, going from the cardio immediately to the weights. Perform reps until you start to approach muscular failure.

It is very important to note that while this is definitely still intense weight training, DO NOT push yourself to muscular failure. The idea here is load the muscles but not overtax your nervous system – believe me, even taking it fairly close to failure is going to be demanding enough when you go right back to cardio instead of taking a rest!
Also, be very sure to use proper form and tempo when lifting the weights. Don’t rush your weight sets – perform them with the same form and speed as you would if you were doing a regular set in your training. Fast, light or sloppy weight sets are NOT what we’re looking for here.

Step 5 – Go right back to the cardio.

Immediately go back to the cardio and do another 40 seconds of moderate-intensity cardio.

Step 6 – Repeat this cycle for the duration of the workout.

You will be going back and forth continuously between cardio and weight training exercises, using the cardio as the rest period between your weight sets. What this means is that over the course of your workout, you’ll be burning calories via cardio and weights AND you’ll be working your muscles with intense, heavy weight training as well. It’s tough training but very effective!

To give you an idea of what this looks like, here is a sample run-through:

40 seconds cardio
1 set of chest
40 seconds cardio
1 set of chest
40 seconds cardio
1 set of chest
40 seconds cardio
1 set of back
40 seconds cardio
1 set of back


As you can see you, you’ll do all your sets for your first bodypart (with cardio in between, of course), then move to your NEXT bodypart and do all the sets for that bodypart.

Fat-Loss Circuit Training Notes:

As you improve your cardio capacity, you can increase the intensity of your cardio training between sets. You may wish to start at a lower level and gradually increase the resistance over the course of the workout or start at a higher level and keep it there. It is perfectly acceptable to keep it at a steady, moderate level, however.

This Fat-Loss Circuit technique can be used with nearly any form of cardio exercise as long as it is convenient to go back and forth with the weights. The real key here is to maintain activity for the entire workout. I’ve done it with stair machines, treadmills, stair-stepping, stationary bike, elliptical machines, and skipping rope.

Keep your workouts to no more than 45 minutes at the very most when doing this type of training. It’s a very demanding form of training as you’ll be working every major energy system in your body. You will also find it will crank your metabolism up quite high!

Fat-Loss Circuit Training Sample Program


Bodypart Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Back Barbell Bent-Over Rows or Seated Cable Rows 6 8-10 Be sure to keep your lower back arched and tight when performing either of these exercises.
Chest Flat Barbell or Dumbell Bench Press 6 6-8 Don’t bounce the bar off your chest as you lower it down. As well, don’t bang the dumbells together at the top.
Biceps Standing Barbell Curls or Dumbell Curls 4 6-8 Squeeze your biceps hard at the top and don’t swing the weight. Use a shoulder-width grip on the bar for best biceps contraction.
Triceps Pushdowns, Dips or Close Grip Bench Press
4 8-10 With pushdowns, don’t use momentum.  Go for a hard contraction.  With close grip bench press, grab the bar at about shoulder width.


Cardiovascular Training
Fat Loss Circuit Training Take no rest as you move between 40 seconds of cardio work and your weight training sets. Have everything set up and ready to go with your exercises as much as possible. If you are in a crowded gym and must wait for equipment or are unable to pre-set, just do the best you can.

General Comments:

  • Choose a weight that allows you to hit the top of the listed rep range on the first set and keep to that weight. As you fatigue, your reps will drop.
  • You can choose any form of cardio you like…treadmill, stair machine, jogging in place, stair stepping, rope jumping, elliptical, kettlbell swings, etc.
  • Your 40 seconds of cardio should be of moderate intensity,not high intensity.
  • When two exercises are listed here, select from one or the other and do all your sets with it.


As I mentinoed above, I want to offer you a chance to pick up Metabolic Surge for just 10 BUCKS.

I'm ALSO going to give you a chance to include my Metabolic Monsters book for another 10 bucks ($20 total for both).

When you pick up this package, I will also include a suggested schedule on how to incorporate the Metabolic Monsters workouts into the Surge nutrition program so that you get even BETTER results.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Surge.

Click here to learn more about Metabolic Monsters.

And FYI, I've even got a bodyweight version of the program you can do at home.

If you know you want to get it, you can click here to go buy the Surge program directly here.

If you want the two book combo package, you can buy it directly here.

If you have any questions about either of the programs, hit reply and let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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