Subject: My #1 secret for unstoppable fat loss...(this is key)

One of the main things I look for in a good fat-loss program is synergy...

...i.e. does the program strategically manipulate training and nutrition to maximize the hormonal response to both?

Because this is absolutely my #1 secret to truly remarkable fat loss.

If you want to lose fat quickly and reliably, your training needs to be totally based on what NUTRIENTS you're eating.

Here's an example...if you're eating low-carb, you want to focus on Lactic Acid-based training to maximize the GH response
that your body has to the change in pH.

This is because GH and insulin don't get along...when insulin levels are up, GH secretion is blunted (and it's a key fat-burning hormone in your body, so we don't want to blunt it!).

Therefore, because you're eating low-carb, insulin levels are stable and your body is free to kick out as much GH as it can, helping you burn stubborn fat FAR more easily than with "normal" training.

Bottom line, you can't just randomly decide to train a certain way because you "feel" like it and expect maximum results.

That may sound all warm and fuzzy but it doesn't get you results in the real world.

That's one of the main reasons I really like the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet from my friends and colleagues Shaun Hadsall and Dan Long.

Set all the marketing and sales stuff aside for the moment...this program is legit...and the science behind it is for real.

It's one of the few fat-loss programs (besides my own) that really "gets it" in terms of synergy and using your body's hormonal responses to nutrition and training to maximize fat loss.

If you're interested in this program but weren't really sure about it, I can tell you from own experience with the program, it's excellent and VERY effective.

Is it easy or effortless? Nope...fat from it.

You will be pushed and you will be challenged and you will EARN every pound of fat loss you achieve.

However, the key to remember is can go in knowing that you WILL be REWARDED for the effort you put in.

And that's really the main thing I like about it.

Check it out here...(it's on a "relaunch" sale this week and is dirt cheap).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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