Subject: Muscle growth with LIGHT weight?

Yep, it's possible and when done right, it's VERY effective.

(the trick is knowing how to do it right).

The name of the guy who created the program is Steve Holman, and he used to be the editor of Ironman Magazine (in fact, he was my editor when I wrote for the magazine a few years back). If you've been around bodybuilding for awhile, you've likely heard of him.

He's been an "unofficial mentor" to me and I have MASSIVE respect for his training knowledge.

Long before that, Steve was somebody that had a HUGE influence on how I train and the kind of exercises and programs I create.

His original "Positions of Flexion" concept really opened my eyes as to how muscle grows (especially with regards to stretch training and peak contraction). I definitely consider him to be one of the smartest trainers I know.

HIS new program is’s NOT about lifting heavy weights or going to the gym 4-6 days per week.

​​​​​​​It's about working out less… and lifting less, using what he calls STX sets or “Slow-Twitch Xhaustion” sets.

It won’t matter if you’re in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or beyond… Steve’s techniques will have you packing on strength and mass FASTER than you did as a teenager.

This is excellent stuff. Steve's original POF Training was a gamechanger for me when I was first starting out in my training career. I still work from his methods to this very day.

If you want to build muscle without crushing yourself with heavy, frequent lifting, you're going to LOVE this program.

Learn more about Steve's new "light weight muscle" system here.


IMPORTANT! I've Got a Free Gift For You...

I've just finished putting together a special report that I call my "Jekyll and Hyde Diet"...and when you pick up a copy of Steve's program through any of the links in this email, I will send you a copy of it.

This report details the exact dietary schedule I follow to get into THIS condition with ZERO loss in strength or muscle mass...(I took this pic just a few days ago).

In fact, I'm certain that I've actually GAINED mass and strength while using this schedule, it's that good.

And it was actually EASY to do... no need to be a dietary hermit all the time to get results like this. I've also included training recommendations to help you get the most out of the strategy.

This is a no-fluff report...just straight up solid info that you put into practice yourself.

To get your copy of this report, after you pick up Steve's program through this link (or any other link in this email), forward your receipt email to and my customer support person, Nichole, will send you a copy of it ASAP.

Discover Steve's incredible "light weight muscle" system here and grab your "Jekyll and Hyde" report, too!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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