Subject: Muscle-building recipes...easy even if you're a TERRIBLE cook like me...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got something very cool for you today and it's all about
nutrition and cooking for building some serious muscle while
minimizing fat gain!

And I have to say, if you're not creative in the kitchen and find
yourself eating the same things day in and day out, you NEED this

I know, cooking doesn't sound glamorous but honestly, what you
EAT on a daily basis is responsible for a HUGE proportion of your
results. It's true with fat loss and it's true with

And if the food doesn't taste good, you're going to have a hard
time eating enough of it to really get results in the
muscle-building department...that's why a lot of people turn to
junk food when trying to gain weight!

I'll tell you right up front, cooking is not my strong suit. I
know what I'm doing when it comes to the mechanics of nutrition
but I've just got no talent beyond very basic stuff when it comes
to cooking (my wife can vouch for that and does...every chance
she gets ;).

That's when I turn the experts in the field, who have the
knowledge and experience that I don't (and who actually know how
to cook!), which is why I set up a great deal for you with Dave
Ruel aka. the Muscle Cook...


His book "Anabolic Cooking" is packed with more than 200 recipes
all targeted for muscle-building...things like:

- high-protein blueberry muffins
- crispy chicken nuggets
- beef and spinach lasagna
- granola bars
- sweet potato pancakes
- southern fried chicken
- grilled sirloin teriyaki

He's got a full list on his site (about halfway down the page)
and dang, I'm just reading the titles and I'm getting hungry...


I've tried my hand at a few of the recipes in the book, just to test
things out, and they're really tasty and not hard to make.

All the recipes are based on quality nutrition and will
absolutely help you achieve your muscle-building goals.

And that deal I talked about above?

For the next days (til Friday at midnight) Dave is not only
discounting his book price but I'm also kicking in THREE bonus "Classified Muscle" books for arms, chest and for
intensity techniques. These things are PACKED with training tips
and exercise info you put into play in your very next workout...I
include not only new exercises but tips for improving the
exercises you're already doing!

You'll receive the download link for these via email
automatically, after you pick up "Anabolic Muscle."

Dave and I will also be putting on a 90 minute "coaching call"
for those who pick up the book where we'll both be answering all
your nutrition and training questions.

Grab it all here!



My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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