Subject: Muscle Media 2000....(if you remember this, read this)

To me, Muscle Media 2000 was a new "Golden Age" of bodybuilding info.

The magazine, published by Bill Phillips, was a totally different from any other magazine on the market at the time.

Some of the articles in that magazine fundamentally changed the way I trained and looked at training (I actually still have some of them...I clipped them out and saved them).

Looking back, I would have been a completely different trainer without learning these innovative approaches...really opened my eyes.


Now I've got something really cool for you, especially if you remember that era and that magazine.

I was talking with Bill's brother Shawn not long ago and he told me he actually had a bunch of recorded interviews with some of the top authors who contributed to Muscle Media over the years it ran.

If you're not familiar with Shawn, you might be familiar with this picture...probably one of the best ab shots of all time.

He's taken those recordings and digitized them (and resmastered them for better sound) and made them available for you here.

You'll get interviews with...

  • Dan Duchaine
  • Mike Mentzer
  • Anthony Almada
  • Will Brink
  • Charles Poliquin
  • Keith Klein
  • Bill Phillips
  • Shawn Phillips
  • and many more

I've listened to a few of these interviews and honestly, this stuff is GOLD. Even though these interviews were recorded years ago, the info stands the test of time.

If you're familiar with the names above, you know how on point this info is going to be. If you're NOT familiar with them, you're in for a real treat.

Grab your full access to the Muscle Media "Vault" here.

If you're interested in supplements, the interviews with Dan Duchaine are something you'll really want to listen to...he was so far ahead of his time and he passed away far too soon. I'd love to see what he would be doing in this era. I can only just imagine.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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