Subject: [Muscle Explosion Test Group] - Need your feedback!

First off, thanks again for testing the program for me! I really
appreciate it and I've been getting some extremely useful
feedback on it!

Been seeing some CRAZY results in some people with this program.

So I have a couple of favors to ask.

1. If you haven't already, could you reply back to this email
and send me your results and feedback on the program. The
launch is set for April 15th, 12:01 am and I'd like to make
sure I get your feedback asap!

2. If you're on Facebook, I have a thread posted on my page
where I would love to get a brief testimonial from you on
how the program worked for you and the results you got with it.

If you're not on Facebook, via email would be great as well - thanks!

3. I know a few people have been delayed in completing the
program due to family issues or illness. I still want your feedback
when you're done! Also, if you decide to go through the program,
definitely keep me posted on your results the second round
through, too. I've had a few people let me know that they're
doing this and their getting GREAT results again with it!

That's all for now and thanks again!
